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Southeast Misool-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723749595
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Southeast Misool. Within this area there are: threatened species (e.g., Blacktop Reef Shark Carcharhinus melanopterus); range-restricted species (e.g., Raja Ampat Epaulette Shark Hemiscyllium freycineti); reproductive areas (e.g., Reef Manta Raja Mobile alfredi); feeding areas (Longhorned Pygmy Devil Rays Mobile eregooddoo); undefined aggregations (e.g., Oceant Manta Ray Mobile birostris); are the area sustains a high diversity of sharks (32 species).

6.9 MiB
Seram-Sea-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723749484
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Seram Sea. Within
this area there are: threatened species and movement areas (Oceanic Manta Ray Mobula

1.8 MiB
Sarmi-Jayapura-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723749395
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Sarmi-Jayapura. n this area there are: threatened species and range-restricted species
(Hooded Carpetshark Hemiscyllium strahani).

1.4 MiB
Papua-Micronesia-Corridor-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723749245
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Papua-Micronesia Corridor. Within the area there are: threatened
species and areas important for movement (Whale Shark Rhincodon typus).

2.5 MiB
Northwest Waigeo-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723748706
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Northwest Waigeo. Within this area there are: threatened species (e.g., Giant Guitarfish Glaucostegus typus); range-restricted species (e.g., Raja Ampat Epaulette Shark Hemiscyllium freycineti); reproductive areas (e.g., Blacktop Reef Shark Carcharhinus melanopterus); feeding areas (Reef Manta Ray Mobile alfredi); undefined aggregations (e.g., Oceanic Manta Ray Mobile birostris); and the area sustains a high diversity of sharks (33 species).

4.4 MiB
Northern-Raja-Ampat-Corridor-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723748567
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Northern Raja Ampat Corridor. Within the area there are: threatened
species and movement areas (Reef Manta Ray Mobula alfredi).

2.1 MiB
Mommon-Seamount-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723748454
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet fro Mommon-Seamount. Within the area there
are: threatened species and undefined aggregations (Oceanic Manta Ray Mobula birostris).

1.4 MiB
Merauke-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723748338
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Merauke. Within this area there are:
threatened species (e.g., Largetooth Sawfish Pristis pristis), and reproductive areas (e.g.,
Narrow Sawfish Anoxypristis cuspidata).

1.3 MiB
Kaimana-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723748243
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Kaimana. Within this area there are: threatened species (e.g., Henry’s
Epaulette Shark Hemiscyllium henryi); range-restricted species (e.g., Indonesian
Wobbegong Orectolobus leptolineatus); and feeding areas (Whale Shark Rhincodon typus).

1.6 MiB
Fakfak-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723748122
Author(s): ISRA- various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Fakfak. Within the area there are: threatened species and
range-restricted species (Henry's Epaulette Shark Hemiscyllium henryi).

1.6 MiB
Dampier-Strait-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723747939
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA regional fact sheet for Dampier Strait. Within this area there are: threatened species (e.g., Snaggletooth Shark Hemipristis
elongata); range-restricted species (e.g., Spotted-belly Catshark Atelomycterus erdmanni);
reproductive areas (e.g., Blacktip Reef Shark Carcharhinus melanopterus); feeding areas
(e.g., Reef Manta Ray Mobula alfredi); undefined aggregations (e.g., Oceanic Manta Ray
Mobula birostris); and the area sustains a high diversity of sharks (32 species).

1.9 MiB
Cenderawasih-Bay-ISRA Fact Sheet 1723747221
Author(s): ISRA-various authors
Description: IUNC's ISRA fact sheet for Cenderawasih Bay. Within the area there are: threatened species (e.g., Gale’s
Epaulette Shark Hemiscyllium galei); range-restricted species (Gale’s Epaulette Shark); and
feeding areas (Whale Shark Rhincodon typus).

1.8 MiB
Empowering Conservation Through Local Engagement 1718047073
Author(s): Stephen Frink (Diver Alert Network
Tags: Raja Ampat, Bird's Head Seascape, conservation, Indonesia, MPA, Misool, Marine protected areas, Misool Resort, DAN, Divers Alert Network, Misool Foundation, West aqua, Stephen Frink, Marit Miners
Description: The spectacular ecosystem of Indonesia’s Raja Ampat offers ample opportunities for fish portraits and macro shots with a 100mm lens, but the broad expanses of pristine hard corals punctuated with colorful soft corals and sea fans made it difficult for me to forego using my wide-angle lens during a recent liveaboard trip.
Seeing reefs this healthy — especially after the bleaching in the Florida Keys and the Caribbean last summer — kept me shooting with my 15-35mm lens, but I frequently found vibrant reef dwellers, such as coral groupers or clown triggerfish, that I also wanted to photograph. Even
at 35mm, I couldn’t get close enough for the fish portrait I imagined before they would dart away.
On one morning dive, however, the fish were much easier to approach. Wondering if this change in behavior was due to the time of day or the tides, I asked our cruise director what was different from the previous day. He said we had just entered the Misool Marine Reserve, where the
fish were friendly.
Suddenly, it all made sense.

2.0 MiB
How Big Is That Manta Ray? A Novel and Non-Invasive Method for Measuring Reef Manta Rays Using Small Drones 1711988238
Author(s): Edy Setyawan, Ben C. Stevenson, Muhamad Izuan, Rochelle Constantine, and Mark V. Erdmann
Tags: Manta Ray, morphometric measurements, Mant, mantas Drone Drone photography, measurements
Description: This study explores the application of small, commercially available drones to determine morphometric the measurements and record key demographic parameters of reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. DJI Mavic 2 Pro drones were used to obtain videos of surface-feeding M. alfredi with a floating, known-length PVC pipe as a reference scale—thus avoiding the need to utilize altitude readings, which are known to be unreliable in small drones, in our photogrammetry approach. Three dimensions (disc length (DL), disc width (DW), and cranial width (CW)) from 86 different individuals were measured. A hierarchical multivariate model was used to estimate the true measurements of these three dimensions and their population-level multivariate distributions. The estimated true measurements of these dimensions were highly accurate and precise, with the measurement of CW more accurate than that of DL and, especially, of DW.

1.7 MiB
Indonesia Sustainable Development, Issue 14, July 13, 2023 1689625355
Author(s): Starling Resources-various authors
Description: The Indonesia Sustainable Development News Digest is a biweekly collection of summaries of articles related to conservation, the environment, and sustainability in Indonesia that have appeared in print or online in local, regional, and global English-language media. We welcome comments, suggestions, and corrections. To learn more about us and to access previous editions of the News Digest, please visit our website at If you would like to add colleagues or friends to our distribution list or unsubscribe, please contact us at This is issue 14 for 2023.

0.2 MiB
"A Wild Plan" 1688668733
Author(s): Craig Welch-Senior Writer National Geographic Society
Tags: Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia, StAR, ReShark, rewilding, Shark, endangered species, National Geographic
Description: "Aquariums around the world are raising endangered sharks and releasing them into the sea. It's an unprecedented mission and it just might work."

1.9 MiB
Riset buktikan populasi pari manta karang terus tumbuh di Raja Ampat, buah dari kebijakan dan upaya 1669670019
Author(s): Bird's Head Seascape
Tags: Raja Ampat, Megafauna, kawasan konservasi perairan, Pari Manta, Perikanan berkelanjutan, konservasi perairan, tata kelola perikanan
Description: Kepulauan Raja Ampat, Papua Barat, adalah habitat bagi kebanyakan pari manta karang di Indonesia, Mobula alfredi. Satwa laut ini bukanlah mamalia, melainkan ikan bertulang rawan yang masih berkerabat dengan hiu.
Populasi pari manta karang rentan terganggu. Pasalnya, mereka bertumbuh
dewasa sangat lambat dan memiliki tingkat kesuburan yang sangat rendah. Pejantannya baru menjadi dewasa secara seksual pada umur 9-13 tahun, sedangkan betina butuh waktu lebih lama lagi – sekitar 13-17 tahun. Pari manta karang betina juga hanya melahirkan satu individu saban 2-6 tahun, dengan masa kehamilan mencapai setahun.
Di kawasan Indo-Pasifik seperti Nusa Tenggara Timur, Sulawesi Utara, Filipina, dan Papua Nugini, populasi pari manta karang menyusut karena penangkapan berlebihan. Tren yang sama juga terjadi di Mozambik di Afrika Timur.

4.7 MiB
Reef manta rays are in decline globally – but new research finds one place in Indonesia where these 1669669814
Author(s): Edy Setyawan
Tags: Raja Ampat, conservation, Manta Ray, MPA Network, marine conservation, Marine protected areas, Reef Manta Ray, coral reefs, Mobula Alfred, Oceans, Citizen Science
Description: Raja Ampat archipelago in West Papua is home to Indonesia’s largest population of reef manta rays, Mobula alfredi. They are not mammals, but cartilaginous fish that are related to sharks. This species is characterised by late maturation and extremely low fertility, which make their populations especially vulnerable. Males start to sexually mature at 9to 13 years old, while females require 13 to 17 years to mature. A female gives birth to only one pup every 2 to 6 years after about one year of pregnancy.
Their populations have been depleted due to overfishing in many regions in Indo-Pacific.

4.7 MiB
Misool - ReShark Final Report 2022 1659463763
Author(s): Misool Foundation
Description: Progress and description of Re-Wilding facility, including the Hatchery, Grow Out Tanks and Sea Pen

3.1 MiB
Residency and Use of an Important Nursery Habitat, Raja Ampat's Wayag Lagoon, by Juvenile Reef Manta Rays (Mobula Alfredi) 1655231134
Author(s): Edy Setyawan with Mark Erdmann, Ronald Mambrasar, Abdi Hasan, Abraham Sianipar, Rochelle Constantine, Ben Stevenson, And Fabrice Jane
Tags: passive acoustic telemetry, Marine megafauna, coral reefs, satellite telemetry, photo-identification, spatial ecology, movements, home range
Description: The behaviour and spatial use patterns of juvenile manta rays within their critical nursery
habitats remain largely undocumented. Here, we report on the horizontal movements and
residency of juvenile reef manta rays (Mobula alfredi) at a recently discovered nursery site in
the Wayag lagoon, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Using a multi-disciplinary approach, we provide
further corroborative evidence that the lagoon serves as an important M. alfredi nursery.

Although nursery areas have been identified for a variety of elasmobranch species (Heupel et al., 2019), few studies have specifically examined the benefits of nursery areas for newborn and juvenile elasmobranchs, such as improved fitness and increased survival. Many elasmobranch species, including manta rays and other mobulid rays (Mobula spp.), use shallow and sheltered
habitats like lagoons as nursery areas for newborns (Heupel et al., 2007; Stewart et al., 2018b). Reef lagoons provide several benefits for juvenile elasmobranchs, such as calm sea conditions, protection from large predators, reliable food availability, and opportunities for
social interaction with conspecifics (Guttridge et al., 2011; Jacoby et al., 2012; McCauley et al., 2014; Rojas et al., 2014; Heupel et al., 2019). Occupying sheltered nursery areas may also contribute to higher chances of newborn survival by enabling individuals to grow in a safe environment and become better equipped to later escape predators and find diffuse prey (Branstetter, 1990).

10.8 MiB
How Big Is That Manta Ray? A Novel and Non-Invasive Method for Measuring Reef Manta Rays Using Small Drones 1647044233
Author(s): Edy Setyawan, Ben C. Stevenson, Muhamad Izuan, Rochelle Constantine, and Mark V. Erdmann
Tags: conservation, Manta Ray, MPA, tourism, Marine Protected Area, aerial photogrammetry; marine megafauna; unmanned aerial vehicle; sexual dimorphism; size at maturity
Description: This study explores the application of small, commercially available drones to determine
morphometric the measurements and record key demographic parameters of reef manta rays (Mobula
alfredi) in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. DJI Mavic 2 Pro drones were used to obtain videos of surfacefeeding
M. alfredi with a floating, known-length PVC pipe as a reference scale—thus avoiding the need
to utilize altitude readings, which are known to be unreliable in small drones, in our photogrammetry
approach. Three dimensions (disc length (DL), disc width (DW), and cranial width (CW)) from
86 different individuals were measured. A hierarchical multivariate model was used to estimate the
true measurements of these three dimensions and their population-level multivariate distributions.
The estimated true measurements of these dimensions were highly accurate and precise, with the
measurement of CW more accurate than that of DL and, especially, of DW. Each pairing of these
dimensions exhibited strong linear relationships, with estimated correlation coefficients ranging from
0.98–0.99. Given these, our model allows us to accurately calculate DW (as the standard measure of
body size for mobulid rays) using the more accurate CW and DL measurements. We estimate that
the smallest mature M. alfredi of each sex we measured were 274.8 cm (males, n = 30) and 323.5 cm
DW (females, n = 8). We conclude that small drones are useful for providing an accurate “snapshot”
of the size distribution of surface-feeding M. alfredi aggregations and for determining the sex and
maturity of larger individuals, all with minimal impact on this vulnerable species.

3.8 MiB
A holistic approach to manta ray conservation in the Papuan Bird’s Head Seascape: Resounding success, ongoing challenges 1646955799
Author(s): Edy Setyawan, and others
Tags: conservation, Manta Ray, Manta, mantas
Description: Despite a precipitous decline in global populations of sharks and rays over the past fifty years due to overfishing, and increasing concerns over the conservation status of manta and devil rays worldwide, manta ray populations in Raja Ampat in the Papuan Bird’s Head Seascape of Indonesia are seemingly thriving.

1.2 MiB
Islands of Sea: The evolution, ecology and conservation of marine lake invertebrates 1632165844
Author(s): Diede Louise Maas
Tags: marine lakes
Description: A major question of ecologists and evolutionary biologists is how biodiversity arises and how
it is maintained. Biodiversity is multifaceted, and genetic diversity within populations is one
of its components besides species and ecosystem diversity (Vellend and Geber, 2005).
Thesis on evolution, ecology, and conservation of marine lake invertebrates.
Studies of microevolution focus on intra-specific variation within populations which
eventually might lead to the macroevolutionary process of speciation (Hendry et al., 2009).
Genetic diversity within populations is usually measured via allele frequencies, or the
number of times a variant of a gene occurs in a population. Allele frequencies can change
due to mutation, selection, gene flow (migration between populations) and genetic drift
(stochastic loss or gain of alleles). The fields of population genetics and genomics aim to
improve our understanding of population differentiation (Charlesworth, 2010; Luikart et al.,
2018), by questioning how spatial and environmental factors influence microevolutionary
processes. Microevolutionary studies in marine systems are lagging behind terrestrial
counterparts for several reasons (Selkoe et al., 2008, 2016), first and foremost being the
difficulty to access many marine areas. Furthermore, there is a long-standing assumption
that marine populations show low rates of genetic differentiation due to the lack of clear
physical barriers, assumed high dispersal potential, and associated large effective
population sizes (Palumbi, 1994; Ward, 1994; Bowen et al., 2013). While this assumption
has both been confirmed and rejected for different organisms (Bierne et al., 2016), in any
case the open nature of the marine realm makes defining marine populations a priori
challenging. Still, recent studies are showing more population structure in marine
ecosystems and at finer spatial scales (1-100kms) than expected by predicted larval
dispersal distances (Hauser and Carvalho, 2008; Marshall et al., 2010; Van Wyngaarden et
al., 2016; Bernatchez et al., 2018). Further elucidating marine population genetic patterns
on small scales and shedding light on what drives marine population connectivity and
adaptation is particularly pressing in a changing world. This thesis aims to disentangle
relative importance of neutral (geographic and dispersal barriers) and selective (local
adaptation) processes on marine population genomic variation using the unique opportunity
presented by marine lakes which offer replicated, independent natural laboratories of
evolution and ecology.

116 MiB
Fifteen Years Of Lessons From The Seascape Approach: A Framework For Improving Ocean Management At Scale 1623274618
Author(s): Shannon E. Murphy, Ginny Farmer, Laure Katz, Mark V. Erdmann and more
Description: Seascapes are large, multiple-use marine areas, defined scientifically and strategically, in which government authorities, private organizations, and other stakeholders cooperate to conserve the diversity and abundance of marine life and promote human well-being. This approach has been applied by global nonprofit partnerships in five seascapes across eight countries and has drawn on the practical experience of more than 250 partners over 15 years. These experiences have helped define the Seascape approach, consisting of nine essential elements, for achieving effective ocean governance and management from local to regional levels. Lessons learned relate to using integrated planning frameworks, community-led and locally owned initiatives, and a network of partners and a “backbone” organization for effective Seascape planning and design; promoting diversification in funding sources, private sector engagement, and the transition of nonprofit roles to ensure durability of a Seascape; and ensuring Seascape outcomes are measured through robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks and communicated effectively. Seascapes are unique in their ability to create a pathway toward sustainable development. To ensure support and amplification of the approach, they must align with diversified funding opportunities and global priorities outlined in international United Nations conventions focused on sustainable development and ocean health.

4.7 MiB
Rapid coral reef assessment using 3D modelling and acoustics: acoustic indices correlate to fish abundance, diversity and environmental indicators in West Papua, Indonesia 1613682880
Author(s): Mica peck, Ricardo F. Tapilatu, Eveline Kurniati, Christopher Rosado
Description: Providing coral reef systems with the greatest chance of survival requires effective assessment and monitoring to guide management at a range of scales from community to government. The development of rapid monitoring approaches amenable to collection at community level, yet recognised by policymakers, remains a challenge. Technologies can increase the scope of data collection. Two promising visual and audio approaches are (i) 3D habitat models, generated through photogrammetry from video footage, providing assessment of coral cover structural metrics and (ii) audio, from which acoustic indices shown to correlate to vertebrate and invertebrate diversity, can be extracted.

8.2 MiB
Sasi and Marine Conservation in Raja Ampat, Indonesia 1606171034
Author(s): Elizabeth Mcleod, Rodney Salm, Brian W. Szuster
Tags: Raja Ampat, marine conservation, Sasi, customary marine tenure
Description: Raja Ampat, Indonesia, possesses the greatest diversity of corals and reef fishes on the
planet. The area is a priority for marine conservation for the provincial government,
local communities, and major international nongovernmental organizations such as
The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International. Traditional marine resource
management practices in the region, referred to as sasi, have the potential to support
conservation objectives. This article contends that while traditional marine resource
management systems may support conservation, they must be reinforced by a supportive
social structure and governance system to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world.
Two villages in Raja Ampat were studied to gain a better understanding of sasi and
how this practice has been affected by cultural, political, and economic change. These
villages illustrate how the role of religious authorities, access to alternative livelihoods,
proximity to urban centers, and capacity for monitoring and enforcement may influence
the effectiveness of marine resource management systems. Our research suggests that
the continued relevance of sasi in marine resource management relies on the support
of influential local leaders and businesses and government regulations that reinforce
traditional resource use practices.

0.5 MiB
Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environmental Sustainability Guidance for Indonesia's Dive Industry Handbook 1604610945
Author(s): Indonesian Ministry of Tourism
Description: Guidebook on Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environmental Sustainability Guidance for Indonesia's Dive Industry Handbook. Produced by the Ministry ofTourism and Creative Economy/the Tourism Ministry and the Creative Economy Agency of the Republic of Indonesia together with the Divers Alert Network
(DAN) Indonesia.
This handbook is intended as a guide for everyone working in dive tourism, and their customers, providing a framework and reference for safely conducting diving activities in Indonesia.
For Indonesia’s dive tourism industry to persist in the post-COVID-19 world, we need to earn the trust of the world’s diving community. And to do that, we need to ensure that Indonesia’s diving industry meets international standards of cleanliness, health, safety, and environmental sustainability.

13.8 MiB
Heavy Metals Contaminants In The Eggs And Temperatures Of Nesting Beaches Of Sea Turtles In Kaimana, West Papua, Indonesia 1600217206
Description: Biodiversitas 21: 4582-4590. Etna Bay and Venu Island in Kaimana, West Papua, Indonesia are two of many areas that sea turtles use during the nesting season. Here, we report data on heavy metals contaminants from a sample of eggs of green (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) turtles collected from a subset of two nests during the 2016 nesting season at Venu Island, Kaimana, West Papua, Indonesia. Three heavy metals contaminants (i.e. mercury, cadmium, arsenic) found in eggs exceeded the established safety limits for human consumption.

0.9 MiB
Recognizing Peripheral Ecosystems In Marine Protected Areas: A Case Study Of Golden Jellyfish Lakes in Raja Ampat, Indonesia 1600215832
Author(s): Diede L. Maas, Agustin Capriati, Awaludinnoer Ahmad, Mark V. Erdmann, Machiel Lamers, Christiaan A. de Leeuw, Luca Prins, Purwanto, Amanda P. Putri, Ricardo F. Tapilatu, Leontine E. Becking
Description: Peripheral marine ecosystems can harbor endemic diversity and attract tourism attention, yet are generally not included in conservation management plans due to their remoteness or inland positioning. A case study in Raja Ampat of seven landlocked marine lakes containing golden jellyfish (Mastigias spp.) was conducted to address the lack of fundamental insights into evolutionary, ecological and social contexts of these ecosystems. An interdisciplinary approach was taken towards identifying the jellyfish lakes as distinct management units in order to incorporate them into existing Marine Protected Areas. Mastigias papua populations showed strong genetic (ϕST: 0.30–0.86) and morphological (F = 28.62, p-value = 0.001) structure among lakes, with putative new subspecies. Risks arising from rapid increase in tourism to Raja Ampat (30-fold since 2007) warrant restrictions on jellyfish lake use. Recommendations are provided for adaptive management and science-based conservation policies for jellyfish lakes across Indonesia.

1.0 MiB
Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development Newsletter January-March 2020 1591918150
Author(s): Fitryanti Pakiding
Description: Perekrutan dan Pelatihan bagi Calon Pendamping Masyarakat Periode Februari - Juli 2020 di Distrik Abun, Kabupaten Tambrauw - Papua Barat
Lokakarya Penilaian Efektivitas Pengelolaan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan, Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil (E-KkP3k) di Wilayah Perairan Bentang Laut Kepala Burung, Papua
Lokakarya Para Pihak dalam Pengembangan Kabupaten Konservasi dan Masyarakat Adat di Tambrauw, Papua Barat
Dive Master untuk Mutu Pengambilan Data Ekologi
Program Capacity Building bersama Para Mitra: Pembelajaran Selama Sepuluh Tahun Monitoring Ekologi dan Sosial di BLKB
Penyebarluasan Informasi Terkait Isu-isu Konservasi: Pemutaran Film Dokumenter dengan Tema Lingkungan
Conservation Goes To School Nabire & Biak
Penyebarluasan Informasi Terkait Isu-isu Konservasi: Berbagi Isu Konservasi Melalui Talk show di Nabire dan Biak
Monitoring dan Evaluasi Lapang Periode Maret 2020: Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Distrik Abun
Audit Eksternal Sebagai Bagian Pertanggungjawaban dalam Program BAF Siklus 2 Tahun 2019
Cerita lapangan dari Pantai Jeen Syuab Pada Musim Peneluran Oktober 2019 - Maret 2020
Penyebaran Informasi terkait Isu-isu Konservasi Kepada Masyarakat Umum melalui Pameran HUT Pekabaran Injil ke-165 di Manokwari
Diseminasi Hasil Survei Sosial Ekonomi dan Ekologi di Kabupaten Nabire
Diseminasi Hasil Survei Ekologi dan Sosial Ekonomi
di Jejaring Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Raja Ampat Kepada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Raja Ampat
Work From Home (WFH):
Sebuah Adaptasi Kerja di Tengah Pandemi COVID-19
Seberapa Penting Data

5.5 MiB
2016 State Of Seascape Bird's Head Seascape Marine Protected Area Network 1576526898
Author(s): Bird's Head Seascape
Description: A comprehensive overview of the State of the Bird's Head Seascape Marine Protected Area Network. Complied in 2016.
The Bird’s Head Seascape (BHS) of West Papua, Indonesia, is the global epicenter of marine biodiversity and a priority for conservation. Over the past decade, marine conservation efforts, led by the Indonesia government in partnership with civil society and local communities, have brought more than 3.6 million hectares under protection through the establishment and management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Seascape.

8.8 MiB
Sueviota Minersorum, a new species of sponge-dwelling goby (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Misool, Raja Ampat Islands, Indonesia 1572376767
Author(s): David W. Greenfield, Mark V. Erdmann, Ilham Vermandra Utama
Tags: taxonomy, coral reef fishes, ichthyology, systematics, Indo-Pacific Ocean, dwarfgoby, sponge, Eviota
Description: A new gobiid species, Sueviota minersorum, is described from 4 specimens, 17.9–23.2 mm SL, collected from inside Theonella tube sponges at 20–22 m depth. The new species has a dorsal/anal-fin ray count of 9/8 and 17 or 18 pectoral-fin rays, all unbranched, and 27 or 28 lateral scales. It furthermore has a basal membrane fully joining the two branched fifth pelvic-fin rays, a character shared with 4 congeners: Sueviota bryozophila, S. lachneri, S. larsonae, and S. tubicola. Sueviota minersorum is most similar to S. lachneri, but differs in having a stocky body with a deep caudal peduncle, not tapering from the mid-body, and in color patterns. It differs from S. bryozophila in having all pelvic-fin rays branched (vs. unbranched), having a single AITO pore (vs. paired AITO pores), PITO and NA pores (vs. absent), and in color patterns. It differs from S. larsonae and S. tubicola by the absence of a frenum (vs. present) and in color patterns.

2.6 MiB
BAF-Monthly Update Aug 2019 (EN) 1567097026
Author(s): Blue Abadi Fund
Description: Blue Abadi Fund Update-August 2019

0.6 MiB
A time for Locally Driven Development In Papua And West Papua 1560801509
Author(s): Mochamad Indrawan, Agus Sumule, Arief Wijaya, Noak Kapisa, Frans Wanggai, Mubariq Ahmad, Benja V. Mambai & Charlie D. Heatubun
Description: The vast bio-cultural diversity of Tanah Papua (Land of Papua) are important resources for local economic development, especially where their sustainable use incorporates affirmative action to ensure that indigenous communities capture the resulting benefits. Papuan stakeholders already have their own detailed plans, and there are some success stories to instill confidence in the abilities of the indigenous
peoples of Papua to lead their own development. Multi-stakeholder approaches are known to work well, and in this case, locally driven initiatives are also known to be promising. This viewpoint suggests the
need for a balance between inclusive participation in multi-stakeholder programs and the enhancement of locally driven initiatives.

1.2 MiB
West Papua Declared Conservation Province 1502738880
Author(s): Ketut Sarjana Putra
Tags: conservation, West Papua, development
Description: West Papua has been declared a conservation province, setting a pathway for sustainable development

0.2 MiB
Analysis of management effectiveness of Local Marine Conservation Area (KKLD) Mayalibit Bay, Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province 1502738336
Author(s): Handayani Handayani, Sutrisno Anggoro, Boedi Hendrarto, Abdul Kohar
Tags: MPA, Raja Ampat MPA Network
Description: The establishment of Marine Conservation Area (KKL) is not necessarily becoming desired
protection and conservation efforts. Therefore, questions raise whether the KKL management has been
performed effectively in order to obtain sustainable outcomes as well as to improve community socioeconomic status. This research aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the management of the Local
Marine Conservation Area (KKLD) Mayalibit Bay in Raja Ampat Regency, Indonesia.

0.2 MiB
Generating actionable data for evidence-based conservation: The global center of marine biodiversity as a case study 1502737999
Author(s): Helen E. Fox,Megan D. Barnes,Gabby N. Ahmadia, Grace Kao, Louise Glew, Kelly Haisfield, Nur Ismu Hidayat, Christine L. Huffardf, Laure Katz, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Purwanto
Description: Sufficiently rigorous monitoring and evaluation can assess the effectiveness of management actions to conserve natural resources. However, costs of monitoring can be high in relation to program budgets, so it is critical to design monitoring efforts to ensure a high return on investment. To assess the relative contribution of different monitoring strategies to yield information for management decisions, we examine the evolution of a multi-year monitoring program across several MPAs in West Papua, Indonesia.

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Benefits of Sasi for Conservation of Marine Resources in Raja Ampat, Papua 1502734958
Author(s): Paulus Boli, Fredinan Yulianda, Ario Damar, Dedi Soedharma, Rilus Kinseng
Tags: Raja Ampat, conservation, Sasi
Description: Residents of Raja Ampat, Papua, have been practicing sasi for generations to manage local marine resources. Recognizing its importance for marine resource conservation, efforts have been made to integrate sasi into current conservation management approach. This study was carried out with 3 objectives: (1) to define and elaborate sasi; (2) to examine the benefits of sasi for conservation of marine resources; and (3) to evaluate the change of sasi in the context of conservation.

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Status of sea turtle populations and its conservation at Bird’s Head Seascape, Western Papua, Indonesia 1499803740
Author(s): Ricardo Tapilatu, Hengki Wona, Petrus Batubara
Description: Bird’s Head Seascape region in the northwest of Papua contains the world’s highest marine biodiversity. The area is a unique site which contains a full range of marine and coastal habitats that are important for the breeding, foraging and migration of several species of sea turtles. This survey aimed to characterize critical habitats that are in use by sea turtles across Yapen, Wondama, Manokwari and Kaimana at Bird’s Head Seascape and to assess existing and potential threats to both habitats and population.

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Status of sea turtle populations and conservation in the BHS 1483997817
Author(s): Ricardo Tapilatu, Hengki Wona, Petrus Batubara
Description: Bird’s Head Seascape region in the northwest of Papua contains the world’s highest marine biodiversity. The area is a unique site which contains a full range of marine and coastal habitats that are important for the breeding, foraging and migration of several species of sea turtles. This survey aimed to characterize critical habitats that are in use by sea turtles across Yapen, Wondama, Manokwari and Kaimana at Bird’s Head Seascape and to assess existing and potential threats to both habitats and population.

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Explicitly incorporating socioeconomic criteria and data into marine protected area zoning 1447106434
Author(s): Sangeeta Mangubhai, Joanne R. Wilson , Lukas Rumetna, Yohanes Maturbongs, Purwanto
Tags: Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Coral Triangle, conservation planning, Tenure, Zonation, Marine spatial planning
Description: Addressing community needs or aspirations is critical for the success of marine protected areas (MPAs). However MPA design based on the results of systematic conservation planning tools alone does not fully represent important information on socioeconomic factors. This is because of the reliance of conservation planning tools on spatial data which is better suited to ecological rather than socioeconomic factors which are predominantly non-spatial. We present a case study from Raja Ampat in Indonesia, to
demonstrate how we developed MPA zoning plans for six multiple use MPAs that encompass more than 1 million ha of the world's most diverse coral reef ecosystems.

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Nest temperatures of the Piai and Sayang Islands green turtle (Chelonia mydas) rookeries, Raja Ampat Papua, Indonesia: Implications for hatchling sex ratios 1428425525
Tags: Raja Ampat, conservation, Biodiversity, Sayang, Piai, turtles, hatching success, sex determination, Chelonia mydas
Description: This study is the first comprehensive assessment of sex ratios for green sea turtles in Raja Ampat and represents the initiation of a long- term database that can be used at a local level to develop strategies that could potentially offset the impact of long-term climate change on the western Pacific green sea turtle.

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The Seascapes Approach 1401911154
Author(s): Sebastian Troeng; Peter Bryant; Guilherme Dutra; Mark Erdmann; Ginny Farmer; Scott Henderson; Keith Lawrence; Frazer McGilvray; Jonas Rupp; Romeo Trono
Tags: Bird's Head Seascape, Seascapes, large scale marine conservation
Description: By 2000 it was clear that some of the most outstanding marine regions in the world were under siege, facing rapid degradation and ecosystem collapse. Just as clear was the fact that old approaches were not going to save them. Conservation International developed the Seascapes Approach to stem the decline in ocean health in some of the most outstanding marine regions of the world, and to demonstrate that transforming the management of large ocean areas to benefit people and ecosystems is possible.

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Atlas Sumberdaya Pesisir Kabupaten Raja Ampat 1401910908
Author(s): Konsorsium Atlas Sumberdaya Pesisir Kabupaten Raja Ampat
Tags: Raja Ampat, Atlas, Sumberdaya Alam, natural resources
Description: Kepulauan Raja Ampat terletak di jantung pusat segitiga karang dunia (Coral Triangle) dan merupakan pusat keanekaragaman hayati laut tropis terkaya di dunia saat ini. Kepulauan ini berada di bagian paling barat pulau induk Papua, Indonesia, membentang di area seluas kurang lebih 4,6 juta hektar. Raja Ampat memiliki kekayaan dan keunikan spesies yang tinggi dengan ditemukannya 1.104 jenis ikan, 699 jenis moluska (hewan lunak) dan 537 jenis hewan karang.

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Achieving Fisheries and Conservation Objectives within Marine Protected Areas: Zoning the Raja Ampat Network 1401910538
Author(s): Vera Agostini; Hedley Grantham; Joanne Wilson; Sangeeta Mangubhai; Chris Rotinsulu; Nur Hidayat; Andreas Muljadi; Mujahir; Meity Mongdong; Arief Darmawan; Lukas Rumetna; Mark Erdmann; Hugh Possingham
Tags: Raja Ampat, MPA Network, conservation planning, MARXAN, zoning
Description: Raja Ampat is a national and global priority for conservation as it contains the world’s most diverse coral reefs and critical habitats for globally threatened marine species, and is a cetacean migratory corridor. As a result local governments in this region are facing difficult decisions in their attempt to balance sustainable development with conservation of globally significant marine diversity. This report describes a process conducted to support the development of zoning plans for Raja Ampat’s MPA network. Activities undertaken included developing a spatial database on species, habitats and human uses; engaging stakeholders through a series of meeting and workshop; applying state of the art conservation planning tools to synthesize information and examine trade-offs.

6.2 MiB
Emerging Threats And Challenges To Bird's Head Seascape 1394664582
Author(s): Sangeeta Mangubhai; Mark Erdmann; Joanne Wilson; Christine Huffard; Ferdiel Ballamu;
Tags: Bird's Head Seascape, conservation, Biodiversity, threats
Description: The Bird’s Head Seascape located in eastern Indonesia is the global epicenter of tropical shallow water marine biodiversity with over 600 species of corals and 1,638 species of coral reef fishes. The Seascape also includes critical habitats for globally threatened marine species, including sea turtles and cetaceans. Since 2001, the region has undergone rapid development in fisheries, oil and gas extraction, mining and logging. The expansion of these sectors, combined with illegal activities and poorly planned coastal development, is accelerating deterioration of coastal and marine environments. At the same time, regency governments have expanded their marine protected area networks to cover 3,594,702 ha of islands and coastal waters. Low population numbers, relatively healthy natural resources and a strong tenure system in eastern Indonesia provide an opportunity for government and local communities to collaboratively manage their resources sustainably to ensure long-term food security, while meeting their development aspirations.

3.6 MiB
Prioritas Geografi Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut Untuk Pengembangan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Indonesia 1394664134
Author(s): Christine Huffard; Mark Erdmann; Tiene Gunawan
Tags: Indonesia, kawasan konservasi, perairan, Prioritas geografi, keanekaragaman hayati
Description: Buku “Prioritas Geografi Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut untuk Pengembangan Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Indonesia” merupakan kajian untuk prioritas konservasi laut komprehensif yang pertama sejak diterbitkannya “Indonesia Marine Conservation Data Atlas,” oleh IUCN dan WWF untuk Direktorat Jenderal Perlindungan Hutan dan Pelestarian Alam di tahun 1984. Dengan komitmen Indonesia terhadap Coral Triangle Initiative and dalam mencapai target kawasan konservasi perairan seluas 20 juta hektar di tahun 2020, kami ditugaskan untuk melaksanakan strategi prioritisasi wilayah yang berbasis ilmiah yang komprehensif sebagai arahan upaya tersebut. Kegiatan prioritisasi dalam
dokumen ini dirancang untuk memenuhi keperluan ini.

4.5 MiB
Geographic Priorities For Marine Biodiversity Conservation In Indonesia 1394663814
Author(s): C.L. Huffard, Mark V. Erdmann, Tiene Gunawan
Tags: Bird's Head Seascape, Indonesia, biodiversity conservation, Geographic Priorities, MPA networks
Description: “Geographic priorities for marine biodiversity conservation in Indonesia” represents the first comprehensive review of Indonesia’s marine conservation priorities since 1984’s landmark “Indonesia Marine Conservation Data Atlas,” produced for the Indonesian Department of Nature Conservation by IUCN and WWF. With Indonesia’s international commitment to both the Coral Triangle Initiative and achieving a goal of 20 million hectares of marine protected areas by 2020, we were tasked to provide a scientifically comprehensive geographic prioritization strategy to guide these efforts. The prioritization exercise reported in this document was designed to fulfill this request.

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Ecosystem-Based Management In The Birds Head Seascape 1394663445
Author(s): Christine Huffard; Joanne Wilson; Creusa Hitipeuw; Chris Rotinsulu; Sangeeta Mangubhai
Tags: Bird's Head Seascape, MPA, Fisheries, Ecosystem Based Management, oceanography
Description: Although West Papua is rich in natural resources, over 40% of people living there fall below the poverty line. Many local residents rely on coastal resources, particularly
fisheries for income and food security. Although ecosystems here are relatively healthy compared to many other areas of Southeast Asia, they are no longer pristine and the
fishery stocks of some areas are severely depleted. Furthermore, unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, poor development practices, and rapid human population
growth threaten these ecosystems and the local communities who depend on them...
Ecosystem-based management (EBM) aims to maintain healthy, productive, and resilient environments that provide humans with the ecosystem services they need today and in the future.

12.6 MiB
Evidence Of Fisheries Depletions And Shifting Baselines In Eastern Indonesia 1393962843
Author(s): Cameron Ainsworth; Tony Pitcher; Christovel Rotinsulu
Tags: Raja Ampat, Fisheries, shifting baseline
Description: We analyzed fisher interview data collected in the Raja Ampat archipelago of Eastern Indonesia to demonstrate a perceived decline in the abundance of living marine resources targeted by commercial and artisanal fisheries. The decline appeared ubiquitous among all tested species and a clear trend emerged in which older fishers recall greater past abundance than younger fishers. This provides evidence for the shifting baseline syndrome, a dangerous cognitive condition in which each generation of fishery stakeholders accepts a lower standard of resource abundance as normal.We used a fuzzy expert system to standardize and quantify the anecdotal evidence, and combine it with additional depletion indicators to produce a decadal time series of resource abundance from 1970 to present. Using governmental catch-per-unit-effort data from more recent years we hindcasted to establish an absolute scale with which to interpret the perceived decline. The interview information suggested that some exploited species may have declined by as much as an order of magnitude since 1970.

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Codes of Conduct for Divers and Dive Operators in the Bird's Head Seascape 1393742778
Author(s): Bird's Head Seascape
Description: Codes of Conduct for Divers and Dive Operators in the Bird's Head Seascape

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