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Changing Demographics Requires a New Approach for BHS Travelers

Anyone who has traveled to Raja in the last few years will notice big changes.  There are a lot more people now and they aren’t just divers; they represent a new travel demographic.  Raja...
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Spending time in Sorong? This new website will be useful!

A long time manager at Raja4Divers Resort on Pulau Pef, has recently created a website for visitors stopping over in Sorong on their way to various BHS destinations.  While managing the resort...
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First Visit to Triton Bay: Part 2; Triton’s Macro World! by Stewart Galloway

Stewart Galloway is a frequent contributor to the site, a friend, and an amazing image maker!  Recently, when Stewart sent us this submission, we were “inundated’ (pun intended) with too many...
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First Visit to Triton Bay: Part 1; the BIG Picture! by Stewart Galloway

Stewart Galloway is a frequent contributor to the site, a friend, and an amazing image maker!  When Stewart sent us this submission we were “inundated’ (pun intended) with too many...
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BHS Fish List breaks the 1800 mark in 2018! by Dr. Mark Erdmann

It’s been a while since I last provided an update to the list of reef fishes recorded from the Bird’s Head, and I’m pleased to note that the BHS fish list surpassed the mind-blowing number of...
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Photographers: The BHS Manta Ray Researcher, Edy Setyawan, needs your help!

Last October we profiled Edy Setyawan, the BHS Manta Ray Researcher and his work, on the website. Photographers: Edy needs your help! Part of Edy’s work involves maintaining the Indonesian...
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New Mommon Divesite by Mike Veitch & Burt Jones

New Mommon Divesite – “Mike’s Mount” ≈ S 03 52.634  E 132 43.487 Have you ever considered how a dive destination develops?  Why does the boat dive where it does?  Most...
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