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New Siphonfish (Cardinalfish) brings BHS fish count to 1727 species! by Dr. Mark Erdmann

New Siphonfish (Cardinalfish) brings BHS fish count to 1727 species! by Dr. Mark Erdmann Breaking news: Another notch in the BHS biodiversity belt! This week marks the publication of yet another...
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Venu Island, home of the “Ambassador” of Kaimana’s Seas by Nita Johana

Venu Island, home of the “Ambassador” of Kaimana’s Seas by Nita Johana   Nesting beach protection The waves hit the shore, accompanied by strong winds sweeping the small white...
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Newly Discovered Whale Shark Population Brings Tourism Potential to Indonesian Communities

Newly Discovered Whale Shark Population Brings Tourism Potential to Indonesian Communities  by Nita Yohana In late 2011, CI’s Mark Erdmann blogged about an exciting expedition tagging whale...
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Cuttlefish Sex in Triton Bay by Matt Weiss

I won’t bother listing the biological and geographical assets, which make Triton Bay such a special place – almost every other contributor here is more qualified than I am to do that. Similarly,...
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