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Yaf Keru-A Reef Restoration Project and Why We Need It in Raja Ampat by Lynn Lawrence

Yaf Keru-A Reef Restoration Project and Why We Need It in Raja Ampat by Lynn Lawrence In the heart of the Coral Triangle, Raja Ampat is one of the world’s last strongholds where healthy...
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The Art of Describing a New Species of Fish by Dr. Gerald R. Allen

The Art of Describing a New Species of Fish by Dr. Gerald R. Allen Administrator’s note: Dr. Allen began working on BHS coral reef fish species in 2001. To date he has described 51 new...
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Bren Smith: Fishing to Feed the World by Justin Nobel (Rolling Stone Magazine)

Bren Smith: Fishing to Feed the World by Justin Nobel (From the Rolling Stone Magazine issue 1301’s article:  “25 People Shaping the Future in Tech, Science, Medicine, Activism and...
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Raja Ampat SEA Centre: Newest BHS Partner

Raja Ampat SEA Centre: Newest BHS Partner   Most of you reading this article are probably not aware of the “how/who/when and where” of what it takes to keep an area like Raja...
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The doctor is in: Indonesia’s whale sharks get annual check-up by Abraham Sianipiar

The doctor is in: Indonesia’s whale sharks get annual check-up by Abraham Sianipiar This article recently appeared in Conservation International’s Human Nature blog and is reprinted here...
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Discovering Raja Ampat’s Manta Rays: A Long Journey, Begun with a Single Step by Rafid Shidqi

Discovering Raja Ampat’s Manta Rays: A Long Journey, Begun with a Single Step by Rafid Shidqi Administrators note: Before beginning this story I would like to introduce the BHS audience to Rafid....
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First Successful Wild Whale Shark Health Assessments Performed

First Successful Wild Whale Shark Health Assessments Performed For the first time ever, scientists from the Georgia Aquarium, working with Conservation International and UNIPA (University of...
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Kalawai Adventure by Geoffrey Gearheart, PhD w/ images by Christine Bull

Kalawai Adventure by Geoffrey Gearheart, PhD Images by Christine Bull As a student Geoffrey Gearheart spent a lot of time doing research in the Bird’s Head before receiving his PhD from the...
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Dr. Gerald Allen wins NOGI in Science-Fun facts, & the “discovery” of Raja Ampat

Dr. Gerald Allen wins NOGI in Science-Fun facts, & the “discovery” of Raja Ampat The Academy of Underwater Arts and Sciences (AUAS) has named it’s 2017 “NOGI”...
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Reflections on 100 new species…by Dr. Mark Erdmann

Reflections on 100 new species… by Dr. Mark Erdmann The recent publication of the new reef fish Sueviota tubicola marked an important milestone in my career – my 100th new fish species...
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