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Whale Shark Tracker

Whale Shark Tracker It’s Conservation International’s pleasure to announce the launch of a webpage that tracks in real-time whale sharks that were tagged in the Bird’s Head...
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“Flasher Beach” (a Triton Bay dive site) text by Anna DeLoach, images by Ned DeLoach

“Flasher Beach” (a Triton Bay dive site) text by Anna DeLoach, images by Ned DeLoach April 2016 ~ We last dived in Triton Bay nine years ago, when only a couple of commercial...
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Praise for Raja Ampat by Adriano Morettin (2015 Nature’s Best:Ocean Views 1st Place Winner)

Praise for Raja Ampat by Adriano Morettin I’ve visited Raja Ampat twice on MSY Ondina, with cruises organized by Deb Fuggit.  First in 2008 and then again in 2014. Both cruises are...
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Diving & Snorkeling Guide to Raja Ampat & NE Indonesia by Tim Rock & Simon Pridmore

Diving & Snorkeling Guide to Raja Ampat & NE Indonesia by Tim Rock & Simon Pridmore Tim Rock and Simon Pridmore should be well known names to the Indonesian diving & travel...
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