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An “Old Salt” explains why he keeps returning to the Bird’s Head by Bryan Moseley

I first visited Raja Ampat in 2005 on a liveaboard and was amazed by the sheer diversity of marine life from the very small to the very large.  I’ve since returned five times and have always had...
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Photographers: The BHS Manta Ray Researcher, Edy Setyawan, needs your help!

Last October we profiled Edy Setyawan, the BHS Manta Ray Researcher and his work, on the website. Photographers: Edy needs your help! Part of Edy’s work involves maintaining the Indonesian...
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“Nus’s First Time!”

I have known Nus for over twenty years but until recently he had never been to the Bird’s Head.  I think you will agree Nus knows how to capture an image! Nus Lobbu, aka “Nus”,...
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A snorkeler visits Raja and brings home images to share by Sandra Critelli

A snorkeler visits Raja and brings home images to share by Sandra Critelli Sandra was born in Como, Italy where she started her career in Textile Design.  She then moved to New York and started...
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Raja Mono: A Study in Contrast by Ron Lagerlof

Raja Mono: A Study in Contrast by Ron Lagerlof Filmmaker Ron Lagerlof made the decision to film in mono for his latest Raja Ampat film, Raja Mono: A Study in Contrast. Using the RED Scarlet-W...
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Vijay Raman: Passionate BHS Photographer

Vijay Raman: Passionate BHS Photographer My love of the ocean started at a very young age. As early as age 5, I was drawn to the adventures of explorers such as Jacques Yves Cousteau and dreamed...
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Species Overload in Wonderland by Thomas Haider

Species Overload in Wonderland by Thomas Haider The attached article is reprinted with the author’s permission.  It originally appeared in the magazine Diver. In INDONESIA’S TRITON BA...
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Why I keep returning to Raja by Marty Snyderman

Why I keep returning to Raja by Marty Snyderman When Burt Jones (the site’s administrator) asked me to share a few thoughts regarding why I like to keep returning to Raja Ampat. I thought...
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Go Ask Erin: Digital Imaging Solutions for Underwater Photographers

Go Ask Erin: Digital Imaging Solutions for Underwater Photographers If you are a photographer you need to know Erin Quigley.  Her website is full of information including numerous tutorials that...
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Repeat Visitor shares New Images by Stewart Galloway

Repeat Visitor shares New Images by Stewart Galloway Stewart Galloway is an ophthalmologist with a passion for diving and underwater photography. He began diving in 2004 and carried a small point...
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