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Indonesian Government Sinks Vietnamese Shark Poaching Boat, Creates New Dive Site

Honoring the anniversary of the launching of the Bird’s Head Seascape website we will be revisiting the most popular posts of the past year. This was the Most Viewed Post. First published...
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Whale shark ‘bling’ could unlock mysteries of giants of the deep by Mark Erdmann

First published in Conservation International’s blog Human Nature. (Re-posted with Permission.) Snorkeler swims with a whale shark on a recent tagging expedition. The more we learn about whale...
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Hope for Indonesia’s valuable but threatened mangroves by Johnny Langenheim

Hope for Indonesia’s valuable but threatened mangroves by Johnny Langenheim Indonesia is home to the largest tracts of mangrove forests on earth – but they are disappearing at a rate of up...
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New endemic Cardinalfish described from Bird’s Head by MV Erdmann Ph. D.

New endemic Cardinalfish described from Bird’s Head by MV Erdmann Ph. D. Back in December 2014, I posted a photo of a strange new cardinalfish from Sebakor Bay in FakFak that appeared to be...
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Saving the last stronghold of the Pacific leatherback

Saving the last stronghold of the Pacific leatherback This post is one of a series on projects supported by the Aquarium’s Marine Conservation Action Fund (MCAF). Through MCAF, the Aquarium...
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BHS Fish List tops 1750!! by Mark Erdmann Ph. D.

BHS Fish List tops 1750!! by MV Erdmann PH. D. After 15 years of intensive ichthyological research in Raja Ampat and the broader Bird’s Head, one might reasonably assume that the rate of...
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“Flasher Beach” by Gerald R. Allen Ph.D.

“Flasher Beach”  by Gerald R. Allen Ph.D.   The Triton Bay dive site known as Flasher Beach is definitely my favourite for observing flasherwrasses. Flasher Beach is totally...
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Indonesian Government Sinks Vietnamese Shark Poaching Boat, Creates New Dive Site

First published in Conservation International’s blog Human Nature. (Re-posted with Permission.) Two years ago, Conservation International proudly blogged that the Raja Ampat government in...
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Goby Gold-new finding after years of observing! by Dr. Gerald Allen

Goby Gold-new finding after years of observing! by Dr. Gerald Allen   One of the great things about fish watching/photography is that you never know what the next dive will bring. I’m...
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