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A Raja Ampat Image Collection by Suzan Meldonian

Suzan Meldonian is an award winning underwater photojournalist and ocean advocate using her photo documentary work to introduce the ocean realm to the public eye.  Through her amazing images,...
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“Hooked on Diving”…in Raja Ampat of course! by Norman Vexler

In 1988 Norman took a NAUI dive certification course and from that time on, he’s been totally “hooked on diving!”  After many dive trips to the Caribbean, over a 14 year period, to...
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First Visit to Triton Bay: Part 1; the BIG Picture! by Stewart Galloway

Stewart Galloway is a frequent contributor to the site, a friend, and an amazing image maker!  When Stewart sent us this submission we were “inundated’ (pun intended) with too many...
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Peluncuran Website BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat

Peluncuran Website BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat Sejak awal diresmikan pada tahun 2015, BLUD UPTD Kawasan Konservasi Perairan (KKP) Raja Ampat, sebagai badan pengelola kawasan konservasi perairan Raja...
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“Raja Highlights 2010-2016” A Video by Linda Johnston

“Raja Highlights 2010-2016” Video by Linda Johnston More than 1500 islands make up the Raja Ampat archipelago off the Bird’s Head of West Papua. These islands and their surrounding...
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A Journey to Cenderawasih Bay by Chris Knost

A Journey to Cenderawasih Bay by Chris Knost Recently Christian Knost and his partner Stephanie Koch made a visit aboard the MS Aurora from Nabire to Manowkari in Cenderwasih Bay.  Chris and...
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Whale Shark Tracker

Whale Shark Tracker It’s Conservation International’s pleasure to announce the launch of a webpage that tracks in real-time whale sharks that were tagged in the Bird’s Head...
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