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Ranger Patrols up to Feb ’21 and Entrance Fees Update by Allan Ramandey*a**

Update on Entrance Fee Dear readers, during the course of February 2021 the Raja Ampat Marine Park Authority’s*** rangers – or the Jaga Laut – conducted a total of 73 patrol sessions across seven...
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Sosialisasi Peraturan Adat Dan Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Di Kkp Kepulauan Asia Dan Ayau

Sosialisasi Peraturan Adat Dan Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Di Kkp Kepulauan Asia Dan Ayau Dilaporkan Oleh: Bertha Matatar* Pada akhir bulan Januari 2021 lalu, sebuah tim yang terdiri dari Dewan...
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MPA’s added to the BHS MPA network

MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) are the heart and soul of the Bird’s Head Seascape.  There are now 26, including 3 new ones, TCBFM (Traditional Community Based Fisheries Management) Bintuni,...
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Natural History of Manta Rays in the Bird’s Head Seascape: A new study by Edy Setyawan, et al.

Natural history of manta rays in the Bird’s Head Seascape, Indonesia, with an analysis of the demography and spatial ecology of Mobula alfredi (Elasmobranchii: Mobulidae) by Edy Setyawan,  Mark...
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