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Misool Eco Foundation April Newsletter

Welcome to Misool Foundation’s Quarterly Newsletter. This quarter:  Misool Foundation is eight! Misool Manta Project: What we learned about Misool’s reef mantas in 2018 Together we...
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Sawandarek Jetty: New dive site by Carlo Calderaro

Administrator’s note: Many boats and some land based resorts already dive this wonderful Dampier Strait site but up until now it has not been listed on the website.  A huge thanks goes to...
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Two New Trimma (dwarfgoby) species discovered & named for BHS Conservationists by Dr. Mark Erdmann

I’m pleased to announce the recent publication of two new species of coral dwarfgoby, Trimma putrai and Trimma meityae, that honor the career contributions of Ketut Sarjana Putra and Meity...
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Tanya Burnett goes to the BHS…again and again by Tanya Burnett

Administrator’s note: Tanya Burnett has been visiting Raja since the “early” years and she just keeps going back again and again.  Why?…keep scrolling! Tanya is a...
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Endangered Species: Artists on the Front Line of Biodiversity

We recently attended a show curated by the Whatcom Museum (a small county museum in Washington state) titled; Endangered Species: Artists on the Front Line of Biodiversity.  Our primary reason...
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An “Old Salt” explains why he keeps returning to the Bird’s Head by Bryan Moseley

I first visited Raja Ampat in 2005 on a liveaboard and was amazed by the sheer diversity of marine life from the very small to the very large.  I’ve since returned five times and have always had...
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“Nus’s First Time!”

I have known Nus for over twenty years but until recently he had never been to the Bird’s Head.  I think you will agree Nus knows how to capture an image! Nus Lobbu, aka “Nus”,...
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