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Surface Interval in Penemu by Garry Bevan

Surface Interval in Penemu by Garry Bevan Penemu is the collective name of an island group some 10 nautical miles to the west of Gam and around 5 nautical miles north of the Yeffam Island group...
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Cruising the Raja Ampat region in Indonesia Part 2, by Mike Veitch

Cruising the Raja Ampat region in Indonesia Part 2, by Mike Veitch One of the iconic dive sites in Raja Ampat “Manta Sandy”, is famous due to a consistent population of Manta Rays during the...
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Venu Island, home of the “Ambassador” of Kaimana’s Seas by Nita Johana

Venu Island, home of the “Ambassador” of Kaimana’s Seas by Nita Johana   Nesting beach protection The waves hit the shore, accompanied by strong winds sweeping the small white...
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Dry Fun in Raja Ampat by Jessica Hunggar

Dry Fun in Raja Ampat by Jessica Hunggar I often receive questions from people who are curious about what to do between dives or on non-diving days in Raja Ampat. While Raja Ampat is the ultimate...
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Ikan Tenggiri Bermain di depan Kampung LOBO

Ikan Tenggiri Bermain di depan Kampung LOBO   “Konservasi bukan datang menggarap, tapi memelihara laut kita ini” Leo Siswata   Langit kelabu dengan satu dua titik air menerpa wajah ketika...
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Dr. Gerry Allen lives to Dive and Count Fish, Part 1

Dr. Gerry Allen lives to Dive and Count Fish, Part 1  This is the first of a three-part interview with Dr. Gerald Allen, one of the world’s foremost ichthyologists. Gerry dives frequently in the...
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Cruising the Raja Ampat region in Indonesia Part 1, by Mike Veitch

Cruising the Raja Ampat region in Indonesia Part 1, by Mike Veitch Appropriately known as “The Bird’s Head Peninsula”, due to its uncanny resemblance to a large bird, Indonesia’s West Papua...
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Presiden Yudhoyono : Raja Ampat Indah..Datanglah Kembali Nanti

Presiden Yudhoyono : Raja Ampat Indah..Datanglah Kembali Nanti by Wida Sulistyaningrum/Conservation International Sail Raja Ampat sudah berlalu tetapi ceritanya belum juga habis dibahas....
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Nude Revelations: A few surprises in nudibranch behavior by Menno Schilthuizen

Nude Revelations: A few surprises in nudibranch behavior by MENNO SCHILTHUIZEN I once watched an Irish mollusk researcher, in a fit of slug chauvinism, try to convince an audience of biologists...
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New MMAF-CI-SEAA manta tagging program launched by Mark Erdmann

New MMAF-CI-SEAA manta tagging program launched by Mark Erdmann   September marks the official launch of a new nation-wide manta ray tagging program led by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and...
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