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“Fish Geek Week” at Misool Eco Resort…by Mark Erdmann

“Fish Geek Week” at Misool Eco Resort uncovers more new species and elevates BHS fish species count to 1756 Text and Photos by Mark Erdmann In late June after the resort was...
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North Raja Ampat 2015 by Tim Rock

The BHS site administrator and old friend, Burt Jones, has been asking me about my trips this summer on Tambora to North Raja. I am a bit mired in a book project now but can give you all a short...
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Sampah Juga Bisa Bernilai by Wida Sulistyaningrum

Sampah Juga Bisa Bernilai by Wida Sulistyaningrum Aksi kebersihan dengan cara memungut sampah di Kota Waisai, Raja Ampat sudah menjadi trend saat ini. Banyak Dinas dan Lembaga yang ada di Raja...
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A Kaleidoscope of Flatworms by Andrew Podzorski

A Kaleidoscope of Flatworms by Andrew Podzorski Much is written about Raja Ampat as a centre of diversity for fish and corals, but it doesn’t end there. In some 38 years of diving, I have never...
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Conservation International honors Bupati of Raja Ampat and Max Ammer for their contributions to Raja Ampat Conservation. by Mark Erdmann

Conservation International honors Bupati of Raja Ampat and Max Ammer for their contributions to Raja Ampat Conservation Text and photos by Mark Erdmann Earlier this summer, approximately 35...
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Introducing the Bird’s Head Seascape Manta ID Database by Sarah Lewis

Introducing the Bird’s Head Seascape Manta ID Database by Sarah Lewis Project Leader Indonesia – Manta Trust Founder – Indonesian Manta Project  Teaming up with the Bird’s Head Seascape website...
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West Papua officially declared the “Conservation Province”

West Papua officially declared the “Conservation Province”  On Monday Oct. 19 West Papua Governor Abraham Otoruri officially declares West Papua the “Conservation...
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10 Reasons To Visit The Bird’s Head Seascape-The Richest Marine Environment On Earth by Jones/Shimlock

Click on this link to view the post, This article by Burt...
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Go Wide…in the Bird’s Head Seascape by Beth Watson

Go Wide…in the Bird’s Head Seascape… by Beth Watson Diving the Bird’s Head Seascape is like none other; it is without a doubt extraordinary! The visual impact of the topography and...
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