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New endemic Cardinalfish described from Bird’s Head by MV Erdmann Ph. D.

New endemic Cardinalfish described from Bird’s Head by MV Erdmann Ph. D. Back in December 2014, I posted a photo of a strange new cardinalfish from Sebakor Bay in FakFak that appeared to be...
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BHS SMALL GRANTS PROGRAM by Carla Kerstan   From 2015-2017, the Birds Head Seascape conservation program will provide funds of up to $20,000 per grantee to support local communities and...
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Saving the last stronghold of the Pacific leatherback

Saving the last stronghold of the Pacific leatherback This post is one of a series on projects supported by the Aquarium’s Marine Conservation Action Fund (MCAF). Through MCAF, the Aquarium...
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Open for Business: TRITON BAY DIVERS by Jimmy Thai

Open for Business: TRITON BAY DIVERS by Jimmy Thai  “Per Ardua”.  Is Latin for “through adversity”, which is the name of one of our visiting yachts.  It is also a very fitting...
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A New Adventure in Raja Ampat: Snorkeling in Misool’s Jellyfish Lake by Maurine Shimlock

A New Adventure in Raja Ampat: Snorkeling in Misool’s Jellyfish Lake by Maurine Shimlock With a bit of apprehension, our hardy group of 20 divers hopped from their dinghies to brave the rocky...
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“SS Payback”-Newest Wreck Dive in Raja Ampat by Laura Leersnyder

Newest Wreck Dive in Raja Ampat by Laura Leersnyder Photos by Laura Leersnyder and Kaelyn Lynch and Conservation International Location: S 0 26.989  E 130 48.212 (near Saonek Island) At Wicked...
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BHS Fish List tops 1750!! by Mark Erdmann Ph. D.

BHS Fish List tops 1750!! by MV Erdmann PH. D. After 15 years of intensive ichthyological research in Raja Ampat and the broader Bird’s Head, one might reasonably assume that the rate of...
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New Raja Tag Fees-Where your money goes!

New Raja Tag Fees-Where your money goes! The tag (entry fee) and the management of those funds collected has recently changed.  Here are the new guidelines  
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Magic Mountain by Andrina Bindon

Magic Mountain by Andrina Bindon A much loved dive site in southern Raja Ampat is marked on the charts as Karang Bayangan, the local term for Shadow Reef. On a clear, calm day you can see the top...
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