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Eco Hero & “Manta Whisperer”-Abam Sianipar

CITIZEN’S WATCH/PROMASTER and the History Channel, recently launched a worldwide campaign, “Save the BEYOND”, which profiles adventurers and explorers with front-line experience of the...
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West Papua, the World’s First Conservation Province! by Susan Vulpas

It’s Now Official! On 20 March 2019, the West Papuan Provincial Parliament (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, DPRD) passed a Peraturan Daerah Khusus Provinsi Papua Barat (Perdasus) – a...
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Two New Trimma (dwarfgoby) species discovered & named for BHS Conservationists by Dr. Mark Erdmann

I’m pleased to announce the recent publication of two new species of coral dwarfgoby, Trimma putrai and Trimma meityae, that honor the career contributions of Ketut Sarjana Putra and Meity...
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BHS Fish List breaks the 1800 mark in 2018! by Dr. Mark Erdmann

It’s been a while since I last provided an update to the list of reef fishes recorded from the Bird’s Head, and I’m pleased to note that the BHS fish list surpassed the mind-blowing number of...
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An “Old Salt” explains why he keeps returning to the Bird’s Head by Bryan Moseley

I first visited Raja Ampat in 2005 on a liveaboard and was amazed by the sheer diversity of marine life from the very small to the very large.  I’ve since returned five times and have always had...
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Photographers: The BHS Manta Ray Researcher, Edy Setyawan, needs your help!

Last October we profiled Edy Setyawan, the BHS Manta Ray Researcher and his work, on the website. Photographers: Edy needs your help! Part of Edy’s work involves maintaining the Indonesian...
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“Juvenile Fish” by Colin Marshall

“Juvenile Fish” by Colin Marshall Article originally appeared in Underwater Photography Magazine Issue # 77 (March/April 2014).  Reprinted here with their kind permission. Colin...
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