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Southeast Misool Fact Sheet

Southeast Misool is the largest and southern most marine protected area (MPA) in the Raja Ampat MPA network and rests within the Coral Triangle – the global center of marine biodiversity. The MPA...
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Conservation Initiatives for Spring 2013

The Bird’s Head Seascape is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. It is home to over 600 corals and more than 1,600 species of coral reef fish. The Seascape also provides habitats for...
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Newest ‘Walking’ Shark Heralds Brighter Future for Indonesia’s Sharks and Rays by Mark Erdmann, Ph.D.

Aug 29, 2013 This post initially appeared on Conservation Internationals’ blog “Human Nature” ( on August 29, 2013 By Mark Erdmann, Ph.D. Mark Erdmann was involved in the...
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