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New Mommon Divesite by Mike Veitch & Burt Jones

New Mommon Divesite – “Mike’s Mount” ≈ S 03 52.634  E 132 43.487 Have you ever considered how a dive destination develops?  Why does the boat dive where it does?  Most...
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“Raja Highlights 2010-2016” A Video by Linda Johnston

“Raja Highlights 2010-2016” Video by Linda Johnston More than 1500 islands make up the Raja Ampat archipelago off the Bird’s Head of West Papua. These islands and their surrounding...
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“Raja Ampat- June/July 2016” A Video by Tim Rock and Dave Hendricks

“Raja Ampat- June/July 2016” A Video by Tim Rock and Dave Hendricks The video of a great scuba diving and adventure trip to Indonesia’s premier destination, Raja Ampat, with...
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“Reminded” by Bret Gilliam

“Reminded” by Bret Gilliam “My recent two-week trip in April to Raja Ampat serves to remind me of the unique and truly remarkable resource that exists in Indonesia’s northeast...
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“Behind the Scenes” – Filming with the IMAX Team by Michele Hall

“Behind the Scenes” – Filming with the IMAX Team  by Michele Hall I spent 4 weeks during January and February 2013 in Raja Ampat, the “Crown Jewel” of Bird’s Head...
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Dark Clouds by Alex Lindbloom

Dark Clouds by Alex Lindbloom As we gently drifted around the picturesque Raja seascape, where gorgonian sea fans and lush soft coral cover every inch of the terrain, the water suddenly went dark...
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BRUVs Shark Research in Raja Ampat ~ by Angela Beer

BRUVs SHARK RESEARCH in RAJA AMPAT by Angela Beer Conservation International (CI)’s Mark Erdmann previously blogged about the Bird’s Head Seascape surpassing the milestone of 1750 reef fish...
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