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Why Raja Astonishes by Pier Mane

In November 2015, I sailed to Raja Ampat for the first time aboard the Dewi Nusantara.  I remember on the first dive, the check out dive, being so amazed because I had never seen so much life, so...
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A Journey to Cenderawasih Bay by Chris Knost

A Journey to Cenderawasih Bay by Chris Knost Recently Christian Knost and his partner Stephanie Koch made a visit aboard the MS Aurora from Nabire to Manowkari in Cenderwasih Bay.  Chris and...
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Whale Shark Tracker

Whale Shark Tracker It’s Conservation International’s pleasure to announce the launch of a webpage that tracks in real-time whale sharks that were tagged in the Bird’s Head...
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BUM to the Rescue – New Camera Technology from Nature Communications

BUM (Benthic Underwater Microscope) to the Rescue from a Nature Communications article “Underwater microscopy for in situ studies of benthic ecosystems” The BUM is an imaging system...
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“Flasher Beach” (a Triton Bay dive site) text by Anna DeLoach, images by Ned DeLoach

“Flasher Beach” (a Triton Bay dive site) text by Anna DeLoach, images by Ned DeLoach April 2016 ~ We last dived in Triton Bay nine years ago, when only a couple of commercial...
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Misool Eco Resort’s Quarterly Newsletter

Misool Eco Resort’s Quarterly Newsletter So what’s new in Misool Eco Resort’s world? Have you ever wondered how many mantas they ID in a season? Or pondered what it’s like...
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Raja Ampat on a GoPro 4 by Got Muck’s Hergen Spalink

Raja Ampat on a GoPro 4 by Got Muck’s Hergen Spalink Setup time? Less than five minutes! Weight? Less than the body of a DSLR! Ease of shooting? There’s only three buttons! The GoPro...
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