Construction of a New Education Centre in West Papua nears completion! by Jonas Müller-Child Aid Papua
Many of you may not be familiar with the BHS’s newest Partner, Child Aid Papua (Yayasan Cahaya Anak Papua). Here is a link to their Partner page and website.
Child Aid Papua (CAP) is a non-profit, public benefit organization systematically pursuing its vision of making an important contribution in the region by increasing the level of education, healthcare assistance, as well as raising awareness regarding important environmental issues for the local communities in Raja Ampat.
CAP broke ground in January (2019) on the construction of what will become known as the Child Aid Papua Education Centre. The building should be completed in June (2019). Located in Sawinggrai village on Gam Island, the centre will provide English and Environmental classes to approximately 9 local villages. The centre will be powered by solar energy. CAP also has a close working relationship with SMK High School located in Waisai, the capitol city of Raja Ampat Regency located on Waigeo Island.
Join me in congratulating CAP on this achievement. Educated children get involved! This is THE only way forward.
To read about their work and the progress of the Child Aid Papua Education Centre follow the link…

Attention: Poachers, illegal miners and loggers, dynamite fishermen beware! These kids are on the way to being “empowered” and they will be a force!
Jonas Müller is Co-founder and deputy Director of the NGO Child Aid Papua. He has been living and teaching in Raja Ampat since 2015 and started the education center on his own initiative. He speaks fluent Bahasa Indonesia and understands the daily needs and challenges of the local children. He was born 1990 in Switzerland.