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Jejaring Konservasi Bentang Laut Kepala Burung (BLKB) Gelar Kick-Off Meeting di Waisai

Jejaring Konservasi Bentang Laut Kepala Burung (BLKB) Gelar Kick-Off Meeting di Waisai Jejaring konservasi Bentang Laut Kepala Burung (BLKB) menggelar kegiatan Kick-Off meeting tahap transisi...
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“Guardians of Raja Ampat” film by Shawn Heinrichs and John Weller–Premiers in Raja Ampat’s capital city Waisai

This just in from Dr. Mark Erdmann (Conservation International’s Vice President of Asia-Pacific Marine Programs) Greetings from Bali – I hope you all are well. As the main donors for...
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How a Disco Clam flashes by Mike Poirier

  How a Disco Clam flashes by Mike Poirier This article was originally published in the September 2014 issue of the “Goby”, the newsletter of the San Diego Underwater Photographic...
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Manta Ray protection laws yield results

The following three links are to recent news articles about the implementation and enforcement of Indonesia’s new nation-wide Manta Ray protection laws. From the New York Times:...
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Dr. Gerry Allen lives to Dive and Count Fish, Part 1

Dr. Gerry Allen lives to Dive and Count Fish, Part 1  This is the first of a three-part interview with Dr. Gerald Allen, one of the world’s foremost ichthyologists. Gerry dives frequently in the...
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Nude Revelations: A few surprises in nudibranch behavior by Menno Schilthuizen

Nude Revelations: A few surprises in nudibranch behavior by MENNO SCHILTHUIZEN I once watched an Irish mollusk researcher, in a fit of slug chauvinism, try to convince an audience of biologists...
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Newly-Discovered Deep Sea ‘Mushroom’ Could Re-Write Tree of Life

This article was originally published by IFL Science. To read the original post click here; Newly-Discovered…   Newly-Discovered Deep Sea ‘Mushroom’ Could Re-Write Tree of Life...
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New pygmy gobies from the Bird’s Head bring fish species count to 1721 species! by Mark Erdmann

New pygmy gobies from the Bird’s Head bring fish species count to 1721 species! By Mark Erdmann A recent paper published by Rick Winterbottom (Royal Ontario Museum), Dita Cahyani (Udayana...
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Wayag, the Picturesque Island of the North by Indah Susanti

Wayag, the Picturesque Island of the North Text and photos by Indah Susanti Located in the northern part of Raja Ampat, Wayag Island is a must-visit destination while traveling in Raja Ampat....
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Newly Discovered Whale Shark Population Brings Tourism Potential to Indonesian Communities

Newly Discovered Whale Shark Population Brings Tourism Potential to Indonesian Communities  by Nita Yohana In late 2011, CI’s Mark Erdmann blogged about an exciting expedition tagging whale...
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