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Part 1: Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay by Simon Marsh, photography by Simon Marsh and Andrina Bindon

Part 1 Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay The area of the Bird’s Head Seascape known as Cenderawasih Bay, which includes Indonesia’s largest marine park, lies east and south of Raja Ampat, forming...
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Indonesia Gives Mantas A New ‘Ray of Hope’

This post was originally published on Conservation International’s blog, Human Nature. Mark Erdmann has been working closely with the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries on...
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Pengalaman Pertama Saya di Raja Ampat by Carla Kerstan & photos by Shawn Heinrichs

Pengalaman Pertama Saya di Raja Ampat Saya sangat bersemangat ketika diberi kesempatan bergabung dalam perjalanan monitoring pari manta di Raja Ampat selama 10 hari. Saat itu saya masih magang di...
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New Information and Recommendations on Sea Turtle Ecology in the BHS

Excerpted from Ecosystem Based Management in the Bird’s Head Seascape, Conservation International, The Bird’s Head Seascape is a refuge to four of the world’s seven sea turtle...
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