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“Raja Ampat- June/July 2016” A Video by Tim Rock and Dave Hendricks

“Raja Ampat- June/July 2016” A Video by Tim Rock and Dave Hendricks The video of a great scuba diving and adventure trip to Indonesia’s premier destination, Raja Ampat, with...
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Why Raja Astonishes by Pier Mane

In November 2015, I sailed to Raja Ampat for the first time aboard the Dewi Nusantara.  I remember on the first dive, the check out dive, being so amazed because I had never seen so much life, so...
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BUM to the Rescue – New Camera Technology from Nature Communications

BUM (Benthic Underwater Microscope) to the Rescue from a Nature Communications article “Underwater microscopy for in situ studies of benthic ecosystems” The BUM is an imaging system...
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Raja Ampat on a GoPro 4 by Got Muck’s Hergen Spalink

Raja Ampat on a GoPro 4 by Got Muck’s Hergen Spalink Setup time? Less than five minutes! Weight? Less than the body of a DSLR! Ease of shooting? There’s only three buttons! The GoPro...
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“Behind the Scenes” – Filming with the IMAX Team by Michele Hall

“Behind the Scenes” – Filming with the IMAX Team  by Michele Hall I spent 4 weeks during January and February 2013 in Raja Ampat, the “Crown Jewel” of Bird’s Head...
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Dark Clouds by Alex Lindbloom

Dark Clouds by Alex Lindbloom As we gently drifted around the picturesque Raja seascape, where gorgonian sea fans and lush soft coral cover every inch of the terrain, the water suddenly went dark...
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Courtney Mattison: Ocean Artist

Courtney Mattison: Ocean Artist   Courtney Mattison is an artist and ocean advocate working to inspire policy makers and the public to conserve our changing seas. She primarily hand-sculpts...
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Kopalda Cup 2016 – Call for Entries

Kopalda Cup 2016- Raja Ampat Underwater Photo Competition The second annual Raja Ampat UW Photo Contest, also known as the Kapolda Cup, begins accepting entries on April 1. These are the winning...
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Calling Citizen Scientists

Calling All Citizen Scientists by The Administrator with Mark Erdmann What is a Citizen Scientist? A Citizen Scientist is an individual who voluntarily contributes time, effort, and resources...
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