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Aerial Videos of Raja Ampat

These series of aerial videos are so awesome that words don’t even come close to describing them.  All I can say is you will be amazed and if you discover any new dive sites while viewing...
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“Don’t Leave Home Without It” by Burt Jones

“Don’t Leave Home Without It” by Burt Jones My most recent trip to the BHS aboard the MV Pindito was nearly a photographic disaster. You see, I “left home without it”. No, not my American...
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“Wonders of the Night” by Andrew Podzorski

Wonders of the Night by Andrew Podzorski As the sun sinks below the horizon and light starts to disappear from the reef, the denizens of the day seek shelter and protection in the endless nooks...
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North Raja Ampat 2015 by Tim Rock

The BHS site administrator and old friend, Burt Jones, has been asking me about my trips this summer on Tambora to North Raja. I am a bit mired in a book project now but can give you all a short...
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Go Wide…in the Bird’s Head Seascape by Beth Watson

Go Wide…in the Bird’s Head Seascape… by Beth Watson Diving the Bird’s Head Seascape is like none other; it is without a doubt extraordinary! The visual impact of the topography and...
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Flasher Wrasse in Triton Bay by Lily Cheng

Flasher Wrasse in Triton Bay  by Lily Cheng  In early April 2015, I spent a week diving in Triton Bay. This was my 3rd time visiting the West Papua region. Compared with Raja Ampat and...
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Unveiled Images by Maurine Shimlock and Burt Jones

Unveiled Images by Maurine Shimlock and Burt Jones It is the middle of the summer and the peak of the travel season but for Raja Ampat and the rest of the BHS; it’s the “off...
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Filter Photography by Alex Mustard

Filter Photography by Alex Mustard  MAGIC HAPPENS Exactly 10 years ago, almost to the day, I was in the Red Sea with a mad plan. I wanted to take a colourful image of the famous stern of the...
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New Finds In Triton Bay by Leeza English

New finds in Triton Bay by Leeza English No matter how many times you dive the waters of Triton Bay it will always surprise you! Most people when they hear about Triton Bay, hear about the...
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Diving With Pygmy Seahorses by Dr. Richard Smith

 Diving With Pygmy Seahorses by Dr. Richard Smith Dr. Smith is a frequent contributor to the site.  His dissertation was on Pygmy Seahorses so he knows a thing or two about these delicate...
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