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Dive Site Maps by Ali Murtadlo and Jerry & Debbie Arriaga

Dive Site Maps by Ali Murtadlo and Jerry & Debbie Arriaga The BHS would like to thank Ali, Debbie and Jerry for their generous contribution to the site.  This article only contains a few of...
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Stephen Frink’s Raja Ampat Portfolio

 Raja Ampat Portfolio by Stephen Frink is proud to feature the photography of Stephen Frink, one of the world’s most renowned marine life photographers. In between shooting...
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THE PASSAGE: text and photography by Jim Black

THE PASSAGE There is a narrow, meandering waterway that separates Waigeo and Gam islands in Raja Ampat. Divers call it “The Passage”. My first voyage up that channel with its...
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Part 2 Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay: Military History Makes for Excellent Diving

Part 2 Introdution to Cenderawasih Bay: Military History Makes for Excellent Diving by Simon Marsh, photography by Simon Marsh and Andrina Bindon Much evidence remains of Cenderawasih Bay’s role...
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Cuttlefish Sex in Triton Bay by Matt Weiss

I won’t bother listing the biological and geographical assets, which make Triton Bay such a special place – almost every other contributor here is more qualified than I am to do that. Similarly,...
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Big Fish Thriving in Raja Ampat

We’ve been back a few weeks from our last Raja Ampat trip of the season a place where there are still new reefs to discover, new thrills to experience. Even though we wrote the guide to diving in...
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Indonesia Gives Mantas A New ‘Ray of Hope’ by Mark Erdmann, Ph.D.

Indonesia Gives Mantas A New ‘Ray of Hope’ This post initially appeared on Conservation Internationals’ blog “Human Nature” ( on Feb. 20, 2014 By Mark Erdmann, Ph.D. Mark...
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Not Guilty as Charged

Last weekend someone sent us a link to an online article on the UK’s Guardian website: Here is the tagline...
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