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World’s Largest Stingray Species Discovered in Raja Ampat? by Alex Lindbloom

Continuing with our celebration of the first year of the site we are revisiting the most popular posts of the past year.  This was the most popular post in the Diving blog.  And it’s a...
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Whalesharks in Triton Bay by Charlie Litteck

Whalesharks in Triton Bay by Charlie Litteck   As we rode out to the fishing bagans at dawn I tried to surpress my hopes of seeing a whale shark. I knew there was supposed to be a year round...
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A Shimmering Mass by Alex Lindbloom

A Shimmering Mass by Alex Lindbloom  Recently I had one of the most memorable dives of my life at Raja Ampat’s Arborek Jetty. This is not my first time sharing a story from Arborek...
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Triton Bay Divers-First Report

Triton Bay Divers- First Report by Leeza English and Gordon Tillen In April we announced the opening of Triton Bay Divers, the newest resort in the Bird’s Head Seascape and the first to...
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Arborek Jetty by Alex Lindbloom

Arborek Jetty by Alex Lindbloom Raja just seems to keep serving us a buffet of incredible dives. However, it was quite clear which dive site was the favorite as the guests kept asking for more,...
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A New Adventure in Raja Ampat: Snorkeling in Misool’s Jellyfish Lake by Maurine Shimlock

A New Adventure in Raja Ampat: Snorkeling in Misool’s Jellyfish Lake by Maurine Shimlock With a bit of apprehension, our hardy group of 20 divers hopped from their dinghies to brave the rocky...
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“Anti-chovies”-a new divesite by Linda Cappello

“Anti-chovies”-a new divesite  by Linda Cappello GPS coordinates for top of pinnacle: S 02 13.502  E 130 32.639 The naming of this dive site was chosen to not “jinx” it in...
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Magic Mountain by Andrina Bindon

Magic Mountain by Andrina Bindon A much loved dive site in southern Raja Ampat is marked on the charts as Karang Bayangan, the local term for Shadow Reef. On a clear, calm day you can see the top...
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Cenderawasih Bay – Reminiscences from 2013 and 2014 by Ellen Gritz

Cenderawasih Bay – Reminiscences from 2013 and 2014   by Ellen R. Gritz, Ph.D.   My husband, Mickey Rosenau, and I have dived in Cenderawasih Bay twice, in July of 2013 and in...
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Saving the Last Great Reefs by Douglas Seifert

Saving the Last Great Reefs by Douglas Seifert World renown marine life image maker Douglas Seifert shares an article from WATER COLUMN his regular feature in Dive Magazine (UK), about the...
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