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Snorkeling with CNN by Tammy Kwan for CNN

Raja Ampat (West Papua, Indonesia) by Tammy Kwan Originally posted by CNN in an article titled “11 of the world’s best snorkeling destinations”.  Of course Raja makes the top of...
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Raja Ampat: A First-Timer’s Wide-Eyed View By Jennifer & Joel Penner

Raja Ampat: A First-Timer’s Wide-Eyed View By Jennifer & Joel Penner About 10 years ago, we caught the diving and underwater photography bug and were immediately hooked. We’ve frequented the...
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Deep Purple: A New Dive Site by Kerri Bingham

Deep Purple: A new dive site S 02 9.025   E 130 33.723 by Kerri Bingham (“Deep Purple” image and dive site name, thanks to: Reidar Opem) On our recent Got Muck trip to Raja Ampat we...
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BIRD’S HEAD NATURAL HISTORY NOTES #2: Craving Cryptic Crustaceans by Dr. Richard Smith

BIRD’S HEAD NATURAL HISTORY NOTES: Craving Cryptic Crustaceans By Dr Richard Smith Raja Ampat is famed for its outstanding fish diversity, so it’s sometimes forgotten that the...
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Amazing New Mommon Divesite by Burt Jones

Amazing New Mommon Divesite-“Batu Cantik” S 03 56.492  E 132 48.229 by Burt Jones As group leaders specializing in Indonesia and the Bird’s Head Seascape, Maurine and I are...
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Coming Back by Alex Lindbloom

Coming Back by Alex Lindbloom As the Komodo season comes to an end I’m looking forward to the Raja season.  It’s right around the corner and with so much to offer in those magnificent...
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Reef Finder & Coral Finder Underwater ID Books (now available)

Reef Finder & Coral Finder Underwater ID Books BYO Guides recently released a much needed new resource for divers and underwater enthusiasts.  Now instead of having to take photo of a coral...
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A Kaleidoscope of Flatworms by Andrew Podzorski

A Kaleidoscope of Flatworms by Andrew Podzorski Much is written about Raja Ampat as a centre of diversity for fish and corals, but it doesn’t end there. In some 38 years of diving, I have never...
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Cenderawasih Bay 2015 by Andrina Bindon

Cenderawasih Bay 2015 by Andrina Bindon Still far off the beaten track with very few visitors, the hightlights of my recent month there are every bit as good as in previous years. The calm, blue...
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Dottybacks of Raja Ampat by Ned DeLoach

Dottybacks of Raja Ampat by Ned DeLoach The sparkling waters of Raja Ampat are famous for many wonders, but I never think of the region without dottybacks popping to mind. I seem to find more...
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