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New Goby Species named for West Papuan Governor, Abraham Atururi by Mark Erdmann

New Goby Species named for West Papuan Governor, Abraham Atururi by Mark Erdmann Leave it to the Bird’s Head to produce a gubernatorial goby! In a recent paper published with my colleagues...
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Species named to commemorate departed heroes of the Bird’s Head by Dr. MV Erdmann

Species named to commemorate departed heroes of the Bird’s Head by Dr. MV Erdmann As this year draws to a close, it seems appropriate to reflect upon and commemorate the contributions of...
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And the list keeps growing….by Dr. Mark Erdmann

And the list keeps growing…. by Dr. Mark Erdmann Its that time again – an update to the reef fish biodiversity numbers for the Bird’s Head! Two recent dive trips to the BHS...
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EXPANDING KAIMANA’S WHALE SHARK DATABASE! Carla Kerstan Our team has just returned from another great week monitoring the whale sharks of Bicari Strait in Kaimana. It was again a successful trip,...
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Fitryanti Pakiding wins Whitley “Green Oscar” Award

Fitryanti Pakiding wins Whitley “Green Oscar” Award Article from the Jakarta Post Fitry is one of nine winners of the prestigious 2014 annual Whitley Awards, the so-called Green...
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New Siphonfish (Cardinalfish) brings BHS fish count to 1727 species! by Dr. Mark Erdmann

New Siphonfish (Cardinalfish) brings BHS fish count to 1727 species! by Dr. Mark Erdmann Breaking news: Another notch in the BHS biodiversity belt! This week marks the publication of yet another...
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Manta Ray protection laws yield results

The following three links are to recent news articles about the implementation and enforcement of Indonesia’s new nation-wide Manta Ray protection laws. From the New York Times:...
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Venu Island, home of the “Ambassador” of Kaimana’s Seas by Nita Johana

Venu Island, home of the “Ambassador” of Kaimana’s Seas by Nita Johana   Nesting beach protection The waves hit the shore, accompanied by strong winds sweeping the small white...
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Nude Revelations: A few surprises in nudibranch behavior by Menno Schilthuizen

Nude Revelations: A few surprises in nudibranch behavior by MENNO SCHILTHUIZEN I once watched an Irish mollusk researcher, in a fit of slug chauvinism, try to convince an audience of biologists...
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Newly-Discovered Deep Sea ‘Mushroom’ Could Re-Write Tree of Life

This article was originally published by IFL Science. To read the original post click here; Newly-Discovered…   Newly-Discovered Deep Sea ‘Mushroom’ Could Re-Write Tree of Life...
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