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Baswedan Award Untuk CI By Wida Sulistyaningrum

Menteri Pendidikan RI Mendampingi Penyerahan Prof.Dr. Hj. Aliyah Baswedan Award Untuk CI By Wida Sulistyaningrum    Rabu 5 Agustus 2015, CI Indonesia khususnya program Raja Ampat mendapatkan...
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Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification-Indo Pacific by Gosliner, Valdez, Behrens

Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification-Indo Pacific by Gosliner, Valdés, Behrens New World Publications has just announced a stunning new publication, Nudibranch and Sea Slug identification...
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Ocean Country: The Journey Continues | Honoring Helen Newman by Liz Cunningham

Ocean Country: The Journey Continues | Honoring Helen Newman by Liz Cunningham Beginnings matter. You begin with something you want to keep coming back to: a gem, a lodestone, something...
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New Finds In Triton Bay by Leeza English

New finds in Triton Bay by Leeza English No matter how many times you dive the waters of Triton Bay it will always surprise you! Most people when they hear about Triton Bay, hear about the...
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Whale shark ‘bling’ could unlock mysteries of giants of the deep by Mark Erdmann

First published in Conservation International’s blog Human Nature. (Re-posted with Permission.) Snorkeler swims with a whale shark on a recent tagging expedition. The more we learn about whale...
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Whalesharks in Triton Bay by Charlie Litteck

Whalesharks in Triton Bay by Charlie Litteck   As we rode out to the fishing bagans at dawn I tried to surpress my hopes of seeing a whale shark. I knew there was supposed to be a year round...
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Hope for Indonesia’s valuable but threatened mangroves by Johnny Langenheim

Hope for Indonesia’s valuable but threatened mangroves by Johnny Langenheim Indonesia is home to the largest tracts of mangrove forests on earth – but they are disappearing at a rate of up...
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Triton Bay Divers-First Report

Triton Bay Divers- First Report by Leeza English and Gordon Tillen In April we announced the opening of Triton Bay Divers, the newest resort in the Bird’s Head Seascape and the first to...
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New endemic Cardinalfish described from Bird’s Head by MV Erdmann Ph. D.

New endemic Cardinalfish described from Bird’s Head by MV Erdmann Ph. D. Back in December 2014, I posted a photo of a strange new cardinalfish from Sebakor Bay in FakFak that appeared to be...
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Open for Business: TRITON BAY DIVERS by Jimmy Thai

Open for Business: TRITON BAY DIVERS by Jimmy Thai  “Per Ardua”.  Is Latin for “through adversity”, which is the name of one of our visiting yachts.  It is also a very fitting...
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