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Papua Barat, Provinsi Konservasi Pertama Dunia! oleh Susie Vulpas

Sekarang Resmi! Pada tanggal 20 Maret 2019, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Papua Barat mengesahkan sebuah Peraturan Daerah Khusus (Perdasus) Provinsi Papua Barat yang menegaskan komitmen...
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West Papua, the World’s First Conservation Province! by Susan Vulpas

It’s Now Official! On 20 March 2019, the West Papuan Provincial Parliament (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, DPRD) passed a Peraturan Daerah Khusus Provinsi Papua Barat (Perdasus) – a...
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Sawandarek Jetty: New dive site by Carlo Calderaro

Administrator’s note: Many boats and some land based resorts already dive this wonderful Dampier Strait site but up until now it has not been listed on the website.  A huge thanks goes to...
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First Visit to Triton Bay: Part 2; Triton’s Macro World! by Stewart Galloway

Stewart Galloway is a frequent contributor to the site, a friend, and an amazing image maker!  Recently, when Stewart sent us this submission, we were “inundated’ (pun intended) with too many...
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First Visit to Triton Bay: Part 1; the BIG Picture! by Stewart Galloway

Stewart Galloway is a frequent contributor to the site, a friend, and an amazing image maker!  When Stewart sent us this submission we were “inundated’ (pun intended) with too many...
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Two New Trimma (dwarfgoby) species discovered & named for BHS Conservationists by Dr. Mark Erdmann

I’m pleased to announce the recent publication of two new species of coral dwarfgoby, Trimma putrai and Trimma meityae, that honor the career contributions of Ketut Sarjana Putra and Meity...
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Tanya Burnett goes to the BHS…again and again by Tanya Burnett

Administrator’s note: Tanya Burnett has been visiting Raja since the “early” years and she just keeps going back again and again.  Why?…keep scrolling! Tanya is a...
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Misool Foundation Newsletter January 2019

Welcome to Misool’s January Newsletter: Happy 2019 Misool family and friends. We’re sending you cheer from our tiny paradise island. This quarter: 2018 Successes and 2019 Resolutions Co2...
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BHS Fish List breaks the 1800 mark in 2018! by Dr. Mark Erdmann

It’s been a while since I last provided an update to the list of reef fishes recorded from the Bird’s Head, and I’m pleased to note that the BHS fish list surpassed the mind-blowing number of...
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