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Mengembangkan Database Hiu Paus Kaimana! by Carla Kerstan

Mengembangkan Database Hiu Paus Kaimana! Carla Kerstan Tim kami baru saja kembali dari seminggu memantau hiu paus di Selat Bicari, Kaimana. Kunjungan ini cukup memuaskan, oleh karena kita...
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New Goby Species named for West Papuan Governor, Abraham Atururi by Mark Erdmann

New Goby Species named for West Papuan Governor, Abraham Atururi by Mark Erdmann Leave it to the Bird’s Head to produce a gubernatorial goby! In a recent paper published with my colleagues...
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BHS News: Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Antar Mitra Konservasi Bentang Laut Kepala Burung

BHS News: Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Antar Mitra Konservasi Bentang Laut Kepala Burung   Teman-teman Bentang Laut Kepala Burung (BLKB) yang kami hormati, merupakan ke-hormatan bagi saya...
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My Best Dive…so far! by Jeff Lemelin

My Best Dive…so far! by Jeff Lemelin The ocean’s surface was calm with shades of deep blue and green melting together as our tender headed to the dive site in Misool, Raja Ampat. I...
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Indonesia Takes Tough Stance in Fighting Illegal Fishing

Indonesia Takes Tough Stance in Fighting Illegal Fishing Since assuming office in November as president of this vast sweep of about 18,000 islands, Joko Widodo has made the development of the...
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Species named to commemorate departed heroes of the Bird’s Head by Dr. MV Erdmann

Species named to commemorate departed heroes of the Bird’s Head by Dr. MV Erdmann As this year draws to a close, it seems appropriate to reflect upon and commemorate the contributions of...
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Blogs from WWF (a Bird’s Head Seascape partner)

Links to WWF blogs, on their activities in Taman Nasional Teluk Cenderawasih Blog 1: Alam dan Budaya dalam Satu Petualangan Blog 2: Lagi, Spesies ‘Aneh’ Muncul di Teluk Wondama Blog 3: Semangat...
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And the list keeps growing….by Dr. Mark Erdmann

And the list keeps growing…. by Dr. Mark Erdmann Its that time again – an update to the reef fish biodiversity numbers for the Bird’s Head! Two recent dive trips to the BHS...
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Technicolor Dreams Fully Realized-Balbulol to Daram Islands by Tanya G Burnett and Kevin Palmer

Technicolor Dreams Fully Realized Balbulol to Daram Islands: Misool, Raja Ampat, Indonesia Tanya G Burnett and Kevin Palmer Located within the South East Misool Marine Protection Area is a small...
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EXPANDING KAIMANA’S WHALE SHARK DATABASE! Carla Kerstan Our team has just returned from another great week monitoring the whale sharks of Bicari Strait in Kaimana. It was again a successful trip,...
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