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Whale Shark Tracker

Whale Shark Tracker It’s Conservation International’s pleasure to announce the launch of a webpage that tracks in real-time whale sharks that were tagged in the Bird’s Head...
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BUM to the Rescue – New Camera Technology from Nature Communications

BUM (Benthic Underwater Microscope) to the Rescue from a Nature Communications article “Underwater microscopy for in situ studies of benthic ecosystems” The BUM is an imaging system...
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Misool Eco Resort’s Quarterly Newsletter

Misool Eco Resort’s Quarterly Newsletter So what’s new in Misool Eco Resort’s world? Have you ever wondered how many mantas they ID in a season? Or pondered what it’s like...
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Raja Ampat on a GoPro 4 by Got Muck’s Hergen Spalink

Raja Ampat on a GoPro 4 by Got Muck’s Hergen Spalink Setup time? Less than five minutes! Weight? Less than the body of a DSLR! Ease of shooting? There’s only three buttons! The GoPro...
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