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Cuttlefish Sex in Triton Bay by Matt Weiss

I won’t bother listing the biological and geographical assets, which make Triton Bay such a special place – almost every other contributor here is more qualified than I am to do that. Similarly,...
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Pengalaman Pertama Saya di Raja Ampat by Carla Kerstan & photos by Shawn Heinrichs

Pengalaman Pertama Saya di Raja Ampat Saya sangat bersemangat ketika diberi kesempatan bergabung dalam perjalanan monitoring pari manta di Raja Ampat selama 10 hari. Saat itu saya masih magang di...
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Ikan Pari Manta Lebih Bernilai Saat Hidup

TEMPO.CO , Jakarta:Menyelamatkan ikan Pari Manta ternyata lebih menguntungkan dibanding menangkapnya untuk dijadikan santapan. Pari Manta adalah salah satu jenis pari terbesar di lautan yang...
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Big Fish Thriving in Raja Ampat

We’ve been back a few weeks from our last Raja Ampat trip of the season a place where there are still new reefs to discover, new thrills to experience. Even though we wrote the guide to diving in...
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