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BHS News: Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Antar Mitra Konservasi Bentang Laut Kepala Burung

BHS News: Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Antar Mitra Konservasi Bentang Laut Kepala Burung   Teman-teman Bentang Laut Kepala Burung (BLKB) yang kami hormati, merupakan ke-hormatan bagi saya...
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My Best Dive…so far! by Jeff Lemelin

My Best Dive…so far! by Jeff Lemelin The ocean’s surface was calm with shades of deep blue and green melting together as our tender headed to the dive site in Misool, Raja Ampat. I...
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Dr. Gerry Allen lives to Dive and Count Fish, Part 1

Dr. Gerry Allen lives to Dive and Count Fish, Part 1  This is the first of a three-part interview with Dr. Gerald Allen, one of the world’s foremost ichthyologists. Gerry dives frequently in the...
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Indonesia’s “Underwater Legacy” by Kerri Bingham and Hergen Spalink

Indonesia’s Underwater Legacy Text and images by Kerri Bingham and Hergen Spalink Indonesia is a country of over 17,000 islands, so what makes these particular ones that make up the Birds Head...
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Challenge yourself with Wide-Angle Underwater Photography by Ken Knezick

Challenge yourself with Wide-Angle Underwater Photography Text and Photos by Ken Knezick As an old mossback who began shooting underwater with a Nikonos II, it has been exciting to watch all the...
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Wayag, the Picturesque Island of the North by Indah Susanti

Wayag, the Picturesque Island of the North Text and photos by Indah Susanti Located in the northern part of Raja Ampat, Wayag Island is a must-visit destination while traveling in Raja Ampat....
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Stephen Frink’s Raja Ampat Portfolio

 Raja Ampat Portfolio by Stephen Frink is proud to feature the photography of Stephen Frink, one of the world’s most renowned marine life photographers. In between shooting...
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THE PASSAGE: text and photography by Jim Black

THE PASSAGE There is a narrow, meandering waterway that separates Waigeo and Gam islands in Raja Ampat. Divers call it “The Passage”. My first voyage up that channel with its...
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Part 2 Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay: Military History Makes for Excellent Diving

Part 2 Introdution to Cenderawasih Bay: Military History Makes for Excellent Diving by Simon Marsh, photography by Simon Marsh and Andrina Bindon Much evidence remains of Cenderawasih Bay’s role...
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Part 1: Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay by Simon Marsh, photography by Simon Marsh and Andrina Bindon

Part 1 Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay The area of the Bird’s Head Seascape known as Cenderawasih Bay, which includes Indonesia’s largest marine park, lies east and south of Raja Ampat, forming...
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