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Manta Ray protection laws yield results

The following three links are to recent news articles about the implementation and enforcement of Indonesia’s new nation-wide Manta Ray protection laws. From the New York Times:...
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Venu Island, home of the “Ambassador” of Kaimana’s Seas by Nita Johana

Venu Island, home of the “Ambassador” of Kaimana’s Seas by Nita Johana   Nesting beach protection The waves hit the shore, accompanied by strong winds sweeping the small white...
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New MMAF-CI-SEAA manta tagging program launched by Mark Erdmann

New MMAF-CI-SEAA manta tagging program launched by Mark Erdmann   September marks the official launch of a new nation-wide manta ray tagging program led by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and...
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Balinese caring for Raja Ampat

Balinese Caring for Raja Ampat By Wida Sulistyaningrum, Photos Yulius Tonak   The head of the North Salawati District, Mr. I Made Kusuma Sada, along with members of the Babinsa from Koramil,...
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Indonesia Gives Mantas A New ‘Ray of Hope’

This post was originally published on Conservation International’s blog, Human Nature. Mark Erdmann has been working closely with the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries on...
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Not Guilty as Charged

Last weekend someone sent us a link to an online article on the UK’s Guardian website: Here is the tagline...
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Conservation Initiatives for Spring 2013

The Bird’s Head Seascape is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. It is home to over 600 corals and more than 1,600 species of coral reef fish. The Seascape also provides habitats for...
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