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Open for Business: TRITON BAY DIVERS by Jimmy Thai

Open for Business: TRITON BAY DIVERS by Jimmy Thai  “Per Ardua”.  Is Latin for “through adversity”, which is the name of one of our visiting yachts.  It is also a very fitting...
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“SS Payback”-Newest Wreck Dive in Raja Ampat by Laura Leersnyder

Newest Wreck Dive in Raja Ampat by Laura Leersnyder Photos by Laura Leersnyder and Kaelyn Lynch and Conservation International Location: S 0 26.989  E 130 48.212 (near Saonek Island) At Wicked...
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BHS Fish List tops 1750!! by Mark Erdmann Ph. D.

BHS Fish List tops 1750!! by MV Erdmann PH. D. After 15 years of intensive ichthyological research in Raja Ampat and the broader Bird’s Head, one might reasonably assume that the rate of...
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New Raja Tag Fees-Where your money goes!

New Raja Tag Fees-Where your money goes! The tag (entry fee) and the management of those funds collected has recently changed.  Here are the new guidelines  
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Sosialisasi Tarif Layanan Pemeliharaan Jasa Lingkungan kepada Perusahaan Operator Liveaboard

Baru Raja Tag Biaya – Mana uang anda pergi! Sosialisasi Tarif Layanan Pemeliharaan Jasa Lingkungan kepada Perusahaan Operator Liveaboard 25 Februari 2015   Pada tanggal 25 Februari...
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Misool Eco Resort-February and March Newsletters

Misool Eco Resort-February Newsletter The amazing folks who are Misool Eco Resort are real BHS heros.  Besides managing a world class resort, they work very hard protecting the environment and...
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Cenderawasih Bay – Reminiscences from 2013 and 2014 by Ellen Gritz

Cenderawasih Bay – Reminiscences from 2013 and 2014   by Ellen R. Gritz, Ph.D.   My husband, Mickey Rosenau, and I have dived in Cenderawasih Bay twice, in July of 2013 and in...
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Paradise Regained by Douglas Seifert

Paradise Regained by Douglas Seifert World renown marine life image maker Douglas Seifert shares another article from WATER COLUMN his regular feature in Dive Magazine (UK), about the on-going...
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