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Conserving the Leatherback Sea Turtle by Ricardo F. Tapilatu

Conserving the Leatherback Sea Turtle by Ricardo F. Tapilatu For over 100 million years, leatherback sea turtles have swum the world’s oceans. Each year, these creatures, which represent the last...
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Incorporating community aspirations into MPA planning in the global centre of marine biodiversity by Sangeeta Mangubhai

Incorporating community aspirations into MPA planning in the global centre of marine biodiversity By Sangeeta Mangubhai Overexploitation of coastal resources is causing irrevocable changes in the...
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Dark Clouds by Alex Lindbloom

Dark Clouds by Alex Lindbloom As we gently drifted around the picturesque Raja seascape, where gorgonian sea fans and lush soft coral cover every inch of the terrain, the water suddenly went dark...
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Edi Frommenwiler (BHS Pioneer): A History Lesson by Maurine Shimlock

Edi Frommenwiler (BHS Pioneer): A History Lesson by Maurine Shimlock Edi Frommenwiler might have logged just a mere 85 dives in 1992 when he built the Pindito, Indonesia’s first international...
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Courtney Mattison: Ocean Artist

Courtney Mattison: Ocean Artist   Courtney Mattison is an artist and ocean advocate working to inspire policy makers and the public to conserve our changing seas. She primarily hand-sculpts...
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BRUVs Shark Research in Raja Ampat ~ by Angela Beer

BRUVs SHARK RESEARCH in RAJA AMPAT by Angela Beer Conservation International (CI)’s Mark Erdmann previously blogged about the Bird’s Head Seascape surpassing the milestone of 1750 reef fish...
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Indonesia is SERIOUS about protecting their fish!

Indonesia is SERIOUS about protecting their fish! Perhaps this title should be; “Indonesia gets EVEN MORE SERIOUS about protecting their fish!” If you have been following the blogs on...
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Kopalda Cup 2016 – Call for Entries

Kopalda Cup 2016- Raja Ampat Underwater Photo Competition The second annual Raja Ampat UW Photo Contest, also known as the Kapolda Cup, begins accepting entries on April 1. These are the winning...
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