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Raja Ampat: It’s More than Just Reefs

Raja Ampat, It’s More than Just Reefs text and photos by Mike Veitch/Underwater Tribe In the dive media, we are constantly bombarded with images of schooling fish, brightly coloured corals, and...
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Satu Suara : Menyelamatkan Perairan Laut Kaimana

Satu Suara : Menyelamatkan Perairan Laut Kaimana Text dan fotos CI/Nita Johana   Kamis, 5 Juni 2014, Pokmaswas (Kelompok Masyarakat Pengawas) melakukan aksi bersih pantai Bantemin – Kaimana....
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Stephen Frink’s Raja Ampat Portfolio

 Raja Ampat Portfolio by Stephen Frink is proud to feature the photography of Stephen Frink, one of the world’s most renowned marine life photographers. In between shooting...
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Shark Hunter Boat Arrested in Ayau Kecil Conservation Area

Shark Hunter Boat Arrested in Ayau Kecil Conservation Area Photos by  The Ayau Kecil Regional Marine Conservation Area (KKPD) team consisting of Marine Monitoring and Control Task Force (P2L)...
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KEARIFAN LOKAL by Nita Yohana, fotos © Nita Yohana

KEARIFAN LOKAL Untuk Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah (KKPD) Kaimana “Kearifan Lokal jangan di buang hari ini karena kemajuan” Sir Zet Gwas Gwas (Kepala Suku Baham)   Kearifan Lokal Adat dan...
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Part 3 Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay: The Villages and their People by Simon Marsh, photography by Simon Marsh and Andrina Bindon

Part 3 Introduction to Cenderawasih Bay: The Villages and their People Papuan life is difficult to understand from the outside.  It is imperative to go ashore, visit a village, observe daily...
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Build Education, Save Environment by Nita Yohana, fotos © Nita Yohana

Build Education, Save Environment Menjangkau 43 kampung, dengan kurang lebih 3000 Anak Sekolah Dasar terengkuh. Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup (PLH), merupakan strategi awal yang dibangun untuk...
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THE PASSAGE: text and photography by Jim Black

THE PASSAGE There is a narrow, meandering waterway that separates Waigeo and Gam islands in Raja Ampat. Divers call it “The Passage”. My first voyage up that channel with its...
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Police and Community Patrol Team in Catch Illegal Ornamental Fish Collectors

Police and Community Patrol Team in Catch Illegal Ornamental Fish Collectors by Wida Sulistyaningrum, photos ©Conservation International Police and Community Patrol Team in Catch Illegal...
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