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A Bird’s Eye View of Triton Bay and Triton Bay Dive Resort by Markus Roth

A Bird’s Eye View of Triton Bay and Triton Bay Dive Resort by Markus Roth Markus Roth frequently travels to the BHS.  He’s a passionate photographer who is always pushing the limits...
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Eyes on the Prize words and images by Thomas Haider

Eyes on the Prize words and images by Thomas Haider The following article is reprinted with the author’s permission.  It originally appeared in the magazine Action Asia. THE FISHERMEN OF...
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Raja Ampat and Triton Bay filmed in 8K by Hergen Spalink

This incredible film was created by Hergen Spalink of Got Muck using the RED Digital Cinema camera in a Nauticam housing.  Of course you can’t view it in 8K unless you have a very expensive...
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A New Name on the List by Alex Lindbloom with commentary by Tierney Thys

A New Name on the List by Alex Lindbloom The list of marine species documented for the Bird’s Head Seascape, which includes coral, reef fish, as well as sharks & rays, is the largest in...
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Damien Mauric wins Gold in the 2017 DEEP Indonesia Photo Competition plus much more…

The winners of the 2017 DEEP Indonesia Photo Contest were recently announced and Damien Mauric‘s image from Raja Ampat took GOLD in the Reefscape category.  Damien kindly shares with us...
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Searching for Jamal’s Dottyback by Anna DeLoach

Searching for Jamal’s Dottyback by Anna DeLoach Triton Bay, Indonesia ~ April 2016. “We should look for Jamal’s Dottyback.” All eyes turn to Richard Smith as he continues, “The one that...
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Omura’s Whale by Alex Lindbloom

Omura’s Whale by Alex Lindbloom You never know what you’re going to see in Raja Ampat, either on the surface or below. I’m entering my fourth year year now and still astounded...
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“A Gathering of Whale Sharks” Images by Diana Paboojian

“A Gathering of Whale Sharks” Images by Diana Paboojian Diana Paboojian and her husband Shannon are frequent visitors to the BHS. Check out the amazing whale shark images Diana kindly...
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Spindrift Images (3 Films) by Nick & Cheryl Dean

Spindrift Images (3 Films) by Nick & Cheryl Dean Have you ever heard of Alfred Russel Wallace?  If not, you are about to…assuming you read (and view) on!  Wallace was a 19th century...
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“Juvenile Fish” by Colin Marshall

“Juvenile Fish” by Colin Marshall Article originally appeared in Underwater Photography Magazine Issue # 77 (March/April 2014).  Reprinted here with their kind permission. Colin...
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