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Indonesia’s “Underwater Legacy” by Kerri Bingham and Hergen Spalink

Indonesia’s Underwater Legacy Text and images by Kerri Bingham and Hergen Spalink Indonesia is a country of over 17,000 islands, so what makes these particular ones that make up the Birds Head...
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Dive Site Maps by Ali Murtadlo and Jerry & Debbie Arriaga

Dive Site Maps by Ali Murtadlo and Jerry & Debbie Arriaga The BHS would like to thank Ali, Debbie and Jerry for their generous contribution to the site.  This article only contains a few of...
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THE PASSAGE: text and photography by Jim Black

THE PASSAGE There is a narrow, meandering waterway that separates Waigeo and Gam islands in Raja Ampat. Divers call it “The Passage”. My first voyage up that channel with its...
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Big Fish Thriving in Raja Ampat

We’ve been back a few weeks from our last Raja Ampat trip of the season a place where there are still new reefs to discover, new thrills to experience. Even though we wrote the guide to diving in...
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Southeast Misool Fact Sheet

Southeast Misool is the largest and southern most marine protected area (MPA) in the Raja Ampat MPA network and rests within the Coral Triangle – the global center of marine biodiversity. The MPA...
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