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Paradise Regained by Douglas Seifert

Paradise Regained by Douglas Seifert World renown marine life image maker Douglas Seifert shares another article from WATER COLUMN his regular feature in Dive Magazine (UK), about the on-going...
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“Flasher Beach” by Gerald R. Allen Ph.D.

“Flasher Beach”  by Gerald R. Allen Ph.D.   The Triton Bay dive site known as Flasher Beach is definitely my favourite for observing flasherwrasses. Flasher Beach is totally...
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Happy to be Back! by Alex Lindbloom

Happy to be Back! by Alex Lindbloom             It’s been roughy eight months since my last dive in Raja Ampat and somehow I had forgotten just how spectacular the diving is here. From the...
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Saving the Last Great Reefs by Douglas Seifert

Saving the Last Great Reefs by Douglas Seifert World renown marine life image maker Douglas Seifert shares an article from WATER COLUMN his regular feature in Dive Magazine (UK), about the...
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Indonesian Government Sinks Vietnamese Shark Poaching Boat, Creates New Dive Site

First published in Conservation International’s blog Human Nature. (Re-posted with Permission.) Two years ago, Conservation International proudly blogged that the Raja Ampat government in...
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New Raja Ampat Dive site: Batu Kapal

Batu Kapal: S 00 21.948  E 130 27.937   On a recent Got Muck and Secret Sea charter aboard the Dewi Nusantara we sampled a newly recommended site called Batu Kapal (Boat Rock). Originally...
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Manta Mantra by Don Silcock

Manta Mantra by Don Silcock Almost like clockwork they appear every day – usually just after 8 AM, in time for their morning ablutions. The trick is to let them be cleaned in peace from...
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Raja Ampat police nab Vietnam-flagged fishing boat

Raja Ampat police nab Vietnam-flagged fishing boat The link below is to the Jakarta-based Antaranews article about the recent capture of a Vietnamese illegal fishing boat in Raja Ampat.  The boat...
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Tulisan dari TNC: Seorang mitra BHS

Link berikut ini ke berbagai pos kegiatan TNC dalam BHS The following are links to TNC articles about the BHS   Post 1: Hasil Monitoring: Ikan Hiu di Perairan Misool Menignkat   Post 2:...
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Famed photographer, Roger Steene, releases his Magnum Opus!

Famed photographer, Roger Steene, releases his Magnum Opus! If you have ever looked at a tropical reef fish ID book it’s likely that Roger Steene’s name is on the cover.  Roger, an...
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