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Biggest Shipment-Quarantine by *Made Abiyoga Udaya

Administrator’s Note: This is part 2 of the story of ReShark’s and the StAR project’s largest shipment (to date) of Zebra Shark eggs to Indonesia and Raja Ampat. Those who have...
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The Biggest Shipment-Overview by *Made Abiyoga Udaya

Administrator’s Note: This is part 1 of the story of ReShark’s and the StAR project’s largest shipment (to date) of Zebra Shark eggs to Indonesia and Raja Ampat. 2023 proved to...
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Raja Pioneer, Ricard Buxo by Don Silcock

Administrators Note: Don Silcock is an Australian underwater photographer and photojournalist based in Bali, Indonesia.  His non-commercial website, Indo-Pacific Images, is full of interesting...
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