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And the list keeps growing….by Dr. Mark Erdmann

And the list keeps growing…. by Dr. Mark Erdmann Its that time again – an update to the reef fish biodiversity numbers for the Bird’s Head! Two recent dive trips to the BHS...
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EXPANDING KAIMANA’S WHALE SHARK DATABASE! Carla Kerstan Our team has just returned from another great week monitoring the whale sharks of Bicari Strait in Kaimana. It was again a successful trip,...
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New Siphonfish (Cardinalfish) brings BHS fish count to 1727 species! by Dr. Mark Erdmann

New Siphonfish (Cardinalfish) brings BHS fish count to 1727 species! by Dr. Mark Erdmann Breaking news: Another notch in the BHS biodiversity belt! This week marks the publication of yet another...
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Nude Revelations: A few surprises in nudibranch behavior by Menno Schilthuizen

Nude Revelations: A few surprises in nudibranch behavior by MENNO SCHILTHUIZEN I once watched an Irish mollusk researcher, in a fit of slug chauvinism, try to convince an audience of biologists...
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Newly-Discovered Deep Sea ‘Mushroom’ Could Re-Write Tree of Life

This article was originally published by IFL Science. To read the original post click here; Newly-Discovered…   Newly-Discovered Deep Sea ‘Mushroom’ Could Re-Write Tree of Life...
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New pygmy gobies from the Bird’s Head bring fish species count to 1721 species! by Mark Erdmann

New pygmy gobies from the Bird’s Head bring fish species count to 1721 species! By Mark Erdmann A recent paper published by Rick Winterbottom (Royal Ontario Museum), Dita Cahyani (Udayana...
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Newly Discovered Whale Shark Population Brings Tourism Potential to Indonesian Communities

Newly Discovered Whale Shark Population Brings Tourism Potential to Indonesian Communities  by Nita Yohana In late 2011, CI’s Mark Erdmann blogged about an exciting expedition tagging whale...
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The Indonesian Throughflow: Fifteen Thousand Rivers by David Pickell

The Indonesian Throughflow: The Fifteen Thousand Rivers If Indonesia did not exist, the earth’s day would be significantly shorter than the approximately twenty-four hours to which we have become...
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Cenderawasih Bay: Living Laboratory of Evolution, text and photographs by Dr. Gerald Allen

Cenderawasih Bay: Living Laboratory of Evolution Several marine biological surveys by the authors and colleagues during 2006-2010 at Cenderawasih Bay, West Papua uncovered a wealth of new...
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New Information and Recommendations on Sea Turtle Ecology in the BHS

Excerpted from Ecosystem Based Management in the Bird’s Head Seascape, Conservation International, The Bird’s Head Seascape is a refuge to four of the world’s seven sea turtle...
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