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Manta Mantra by Don Silcock

Manta Mantra by Don Silcock Almost like clockwork they appear every day – usually just after 8 AM, in time for their morning ablutions. The trick is to let them be cleaned in peace from...
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My Best Dive…so far! by Jeff Lemelin

My Best Dive…so far! by Jeff Lemelin The ocean’s surface was calm with shades of deep blue and green melting together as our tender headed to the dive site in Misool, Raja Ampat. I...
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Manta Ray protection laws yield results

The following three links are to recent news articles about the implementation and enforcement of Indonesia’s new nation-wide Manta Ray protection laws. From the New York Times:...
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Pengalaman Pertama Saya di Raja Ampat by Carla Kerstan & photos by Shawn Heinrichs

Pengalaman Pertama Saya di Raja Ampat Saya sangat bersemangat ketika diberi kesempatan bergabung dalam perjalanan monitoring pari manta di Raja Ampat selama 10 hari. Saat itu saya masih magang di...
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