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Introducing the Bird’s Head Seascape Manta ID Database by Sarah Lewis

Introducing the Bird’s Head Seascape Manta ID Database by Sarah Lewis Project Leader Indonesia – Manta Trust Founder – Indonesian Manta Project  Teaming up with the Bird’s Head Seascape website...
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West Papua officially declared the “Conservation Province”

West Papua officially declared the “Conservation Province”  On Monday Oct. 19 West Papua Governor Abraham Otoruri officially declares West Papua the “Conservation...
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10 Reasons To Visit The Bird’s Head Seascape-The Richest Marine Environment On Earth by Jones/Shimlock

Click on this link to view the post, This article by Burt...
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Go Wide…in the Bird’s Head Seascape by Beth Watson

Go Wide…in the Bird’s Head Seascape… by Beth Watson Diving the Bird’s Head Seascape is like none other; it is without a doubt extraordinary! The visual impact of the topography and...
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Pendapat Mereka Tentang Raja Ampat ? by Wida Sulistyaningrum

Pendapat Mereka Tentang Raja Ampat ? Catatan Kecil dari Pameran Pariwisata Bahari Berkelanjutan 4th Regiobal Business Forum, Coral Triangle Initiative by Wida Sulistyaningrum “Liburan ke Raja...
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Cenderawasih Bay 2015 by Andrina Bindon

Cenderawasih Bay 2015 by Andrina Bindon Still far off the beaten track with very few visitors, the hightlights of my recent month there are every bit as good as in previous years. The calm, blue...
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Awards Event at Raja Ampat’s 12th Birthday Party Honors…

Awards Event at Raja Ampat’s 12th Birthday Party honors Bupati and Wakil Bupati Raja Ampat, Freddy Numberi, Gerry Allen & Mark Erdmann Text by Conservation International Raja Ampat...
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Flasher Wrasse in Triton Bay by Lily Cheng

Flasher Wrasse in Triton Bay  by Lily Cheng  In early April 2015, I spent a week diving in Triton Bay. This was my 3rd time visiting the West Papua region. Compared with Raja Ampat and...
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Baswedan Award Untuk CI By Wida Sulistyaningrum

Menteri Pendidikan RI Mendampingi Penyerahan Prof.Dr. Hj. Aliyah Baswedan Award Untuk CI By Wida Sulistyaningrum    Rabu 5 Agustus 2015, CI Indonesia khususnya program Raja Ampat mendapatkan...
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