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Misool Resort “Virus Times”, an Update

Administrators note: Everything in the BHS is shut down.  But the work goes on.  This is another installment in our series of what is going on in Raja and the BHS while the virus wind rages...
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Rare Mantis Shrimp sighted in Raja Ampat! by Dr. Thomas Haider

Dr. Haider’s most recent email began with these words: “During these hard times maybe it would be nice to show the world the rare wonders of the Birds Head Seascape!!!! So I thought,...
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Life on a (Sea) Pen by Maurine Shimlock and Burt Jones

On one of my first night dives “many” years ago, I saw what looked like a feather or an old-fashioned quill pen sticking out of the substrate.   Being a novice diver, I was so...
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Meet Sophie Azam, Papua Explorers’ new SEA Centre manager

We met Sophie Azam on a windless day last January during a short visit to Papua Explorers Resort.  We were there to check out the SEA Centre, where Sophie is the new manager. A career in project...
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“How can baby reef manta rays be so cute?” By Edy Setyawan

Babies are babies. They are adorable. Just like a human baby, baby reef manta rays are so cute.  How come? Although they are the mini-version of their parents, they are ‘tiny’ compared to adult...
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