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State of the Bird’s Head Seascape Marine Protected Area Network

Compiled by:

Fitryanti Pakiding, Dariani Matualage, Kezia Salosso, Purwanto, Indah Ratih Anggriyani, Awaludinnoer Ahmad, Dominic Andradi-Brown, Kelly Claborn, Matheus De Nardo, Laura Veverka, Louise Glew, Gabby Ahmadia, Irman Rumengan, Habema Fanri Yoseph Monim, Joice Pangulimang, Maya Paembonan, Defy Pada, & Michael B. Mascia.


The Bird’s Head Seascape (BHS) in Papua is the global centre of marine biodiversity and a conservation priority. By 2020, marine conservation efforts led by the Indonesian government in partnership with civil society and local commu- nities had brought more than 23.6 million hectares under protection, including 5.2 million through the establishment and management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) within the BHS.

Since 2008, University of Papua government agencies, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have worked to- gether to develop rigorous methods to monitor the ecological and social conditions in the Bird’s Head Seascape MPA Network. This report, which is updated periodically, provides a scientific assessment of the status and trends of key ecological and social conditions across the entirety of the Bird’s Head Seascape MPA Network. The indicators used in this report serve….

To read the report follow the link below;

This report is also available in Bahasa Indonesia (Laporan ini juga tersedia dalam Bahasa Indonesia);

Laporan Status: Jejaring Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Bentang Laut Kepala Burung Papua 2019

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