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Ocean Country: The Journey Continues | Honoring Helen Newman by Liz Cunningham

Ocean Country: The Journey Continues | Honoring Helen Newman by Liz Cunningham Beginnings matter. You begin with something you want to keep coming back to: a gem, a lodestone, something...
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New Finds In Triton Bay by Leeza English

New finds in Triton Bay by Leeza English No matter how many times you dive the waters of Triton Bay it will always surprise you! Most people when they hear about Triton Bay, hear about the...
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Whalesharks in Triton Bay by Charlie Litteck

Whalesharks in Triton Bay by Charlie Litteck   As we rode out to the fishing bagans at dawn I tried to surpress my hopes of seeing a whale shark. I knew there was supposed to be a year round...
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Menteri Susi Pudjiastuti Menyerahkan Penghargaan Spesies Ikan Baru untuk Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Raja Ampat

Menteri Susi Pudjiastuti Menyerahkan Penghargaan Spesies Ikan Baru untuk Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Raja Ampat text by Wida Sulistyaningrum photos by Julius Thonak  Ditemukan pertama kali di Ayau,...
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A Shimmering Mass by Alex Lindbloom

A Shimmering Mass by Alex Lindbloom  Recently I had one of the most memorable dives of my life at Raja Ampat’s Arborek Jetty. This is not my first time sharing a story from Arborek...
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Hope for Indonesia’s valuable but threatened mangroves by Johnny Langenheim

Hope for Indonesia’s valuable but threatened mangroves by Johnny Langenheim Indonesia is home to the largest tracts of mangrove forests on earth – but they are disappearing at a rate of up...
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Diving With Pygmy Seahorses by Dr. Richard Smith

 Diving With Pygmy Seahorses by Dr. Richard Smith Dr. Smith is a frequent contributor to the site.  His dissertation was on Pygmy Seahorses so he knows a thing or two about these delicate...
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Triton Bay Divers-First Report

Triton Bay Divers- First Report by Leeza English and Gordon Tillen In April we announced the opening of Triton Bay Divers, the newest resort in the Bird’s Head Seascape and the first to...
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Misool Eco Resort-April/May Newsletter

The amazing folks who are Misool Eco Resort are real BHS heros.  Besides managing a world class resort, they work very hard protecting the environment and helping the locals. Their newsletters...
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Socialization on the Tariff to Support Environmental Service in Raja Ampat by Carla Kerstan

Socialization on the Tariff to Support Environmental Service in Raja Ampat  by Carla Kerstan On the 25th February 2015, the Raja Ampat government hosted a tourism socialization event at the...
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