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The Gubernatorial Goby, Trimma atururii by Mark Erdmann

The Gubernatorial Goby, Trimma atururii! by Mark Erdmann Leave it to the Bird’s Head to produce a gubernatorial goby! In a recent paper published with my colleagues Dr. Rick Winterbottom...
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Bird’s Head Seascape Success Recognised!

Birds Head Seascape Success Recognised! In a fitting way to end a productive year in the West Papua Bird’s Head Seascape (BHS), we’re pleased to share some good news! In the recent Coral Triangle...
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Money Talks – Paying for Conservation by Matt Fox, CI Indonesia

Money Talks – Paying for Conservation Matt Fox, CI Indonesia A group of Indonesians recently braved the 40-hour journey from Jakarta to Quito, Ecuador to talk conservation finance. Paying...
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Small Grants Program Making a Difference by Carla Kerstan

Small Grants Program Making a Difference by Carla Kerstan The Small Grants Program in the Bird’s Head Seascape is supporting local organizations in the conservation of their globally significant...
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The Misool Filling Station

The Misool Filling Station Misool Eco Resort is very excited to welcome you to their new Sorong cafe and boutique!  The Misool Filling Station is located directly across the street from the...
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Gurano Bintang by Imam Syuhada

Gurano Bintang by Imam Syuhada KM Gurano Bintang was first commissioned in Alor under the name Kotekelema.  Kotekelema is Lamaleran, a language group from Indonesia’s Nusa Tenggara Timur...
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Raja Ampat Environmental Watch App

Raja Ampat Environmental Watch App A long awaited method for reporting Environmental Abuse within Raja Ampat and it’s MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) has finally been realized. Through the...
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Conservation International honors Bupati of Raja Ampat and Max Ammer for their contributions to Raja Ampat Conservation. by Mark Erdmann

Conservation International honors Bupati of Raja Ampat and Max Ammer for their contributions to Raja Ampat Conservation Text and photos by Mark Erdmann Earlier this summer, approximately 35...
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West Papua officially declared the “Conservation Province”

West Papua officially declared the “Conservation Province”  On Monday Oct. 19 West Papua Governor Abraham Otoruri officially declares West Papua the “Conservation...
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10 Reasons To Visit The Bird’s Head Seascape-The Richest Marine Environment On Earth by Jones/Shimlock

Click on this link to view the post, This article by Burt...
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