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Blue Abadi Fund June ’19 Newsletter (English dan Bahasa)

ABOUT BLUE ABADI The Blue Abadi Fund is a dedicated conservation trust fund for the Bird’s Head Seascape that empowers local communities and agencies to sustainably manage their marine resources...
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“Instagram Tourism”, Are There Too Many Tourists in Raja Ampat?

“Instagram Tourism” has changed the world’s wild (and not so wild) places.  And in most cases NOT for the better…at least from a conservation point of view.  The photos in...
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Pak Syafri: A Profile of the Director of Raja Ampat’s MPA unit (UPTD) by Susan Vulpas

This is the third post in the series, introducing the “team” charged with conservation in the BHS.  These are the unsung heroes that you and the Bird’s Head Seascape depend on! Meet Pak Syafri,...
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Centre of Excellence Newsletter by Fitryanti Pakiding (Project Leader)

The quarterly CoE (Centre of Excellence) Newsletter documents the activities by UNIPA’s (The University of Papua) Division of Sustainable Development-Institute for Research and Community...
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Six Fishermen Caught Using Explosives in Raja Ampat (translated from

MPA ranger patrols are working and it appears the Raja Ampat government is serious about taking action against illegal bomb fishermen.  This is a huge step forward for Raja and the Bird’s...
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Construction of a New Education Centre in West Papua nears completion! by Jonas Müller-Child Aid Papua

Many of you may not be familiar with the BHS’s newest Partner, Child Aid Papua (Yayasan Cahaya Anak Papua).  Here is a link to their Partner page and website.  Child Aid Papua (CAP) is a...
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When Soldiers Fight Against Garbage: a Blue Abadi Fund action by Sabonnama

Learn more about the Blue Abadi Fund» Even in peace, soldiers still have important duties and enemies to fight. Trash became their enemy this time. See what happened on April 27, 2019 when dozens...
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Misool Eco Foundation April Newsletter

Welcome to Misool Foundation’s Quarterly Newsletter. This quarter:  Misool Foundation is eight! Misool Manta Project: What we learned about Misool’s reef mantas in 2018 Together we...
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Papua Barat, Provinsi Konservasi Pertama Dunia! oleh Susie Vulpas

Sekarang Resmi! Pada tanggal 20 Maret 2019, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Papua Barat mengesahkan sebuah Peraturan Daerah Khusus (Perdasus) Provinsi Papua Barat yang menegaskan komitmen...
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West Papua, the World’s First Conservation Province! by Susan Vulpas

It’s Now Official! On 20 March 2019, the West Papuan Provincial Parliament (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah, DPRD) passed a Peraturan Daerah Khusus Provinsi Papua Barat (Perdasus) – a...
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