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Return to the BHS, First time to Cenderawasih Bay by Douglas Seifert

Return to the BHS. First time to Cenderawasih Bay by Douglas Seifert After many visits to Raja Ampat over the years, this year we succumbed to the siren call of Cenderawasih Bay, inexplicably...
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New Mommon Divesite by Mike Veitch & Burt Jones

New Mommon Divesite – “Mike’s Mount” ≈ S 03 52.634  E 132 43.487 Have you ever considered how a dive destination develops?  Why does the boat dive where it does?  Most...
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“Raja Highlights 2010-2016” A Video by Linda Johnston

“Raja Highlights 2010-2016” Video by Linda Johnston More than 1500 islands make up the Raja Ampat archipelago off the Bird’s Head of West Papua. These islands and their surrounding...
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“Reminded” by Bret Gilliam

“Reminded” by Bret Gilliam “My recent two-week trip in April to Raja Ampat serves to remind me of the unique and truly remarkable resource that exists in Indonesia’s northeast...
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A Journey to Cenderawasih Bay by Chris Knost

A Journey to Cenderawasih Bay by Chris Knost Recently Christian Knost and his partner Stephanie Koch made a visit aboard the MS Aurora from Nabire to Manowkari in Cenderwasih Bay.  Chris and...
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“Flasher Beach” (a Triton Bay dive site) text by Anna DeLoach, images by Ned DeLoach

“Flasher Beach” (a Triton Bay dive site) text by Anna DeLoach, images by Ned DeLoach April 2016 ~ We last dived in Triton Bay nine years ago, when only a couple of commercial...
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Praise for Raja Ampat by Adriano Morettin (2015 Nature’s Best:Ocean Views 1st Place Winner)

Praise for Raja Ampat by Adriano Morettin I’ve visited Raja Ampat twice on MSY Ondina, with cruises organized by Deb Fuggit.  First in 2008 and then again in 2014. Both cruises are...
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In the Shallows: Diving Highlight by Linda Pitkin

In the Shallows: Diving Highlight by Linda Pitkin My diving highlight of a recent trip to Raja Ampat was a day and a bit spent in such shallow water that it was more like snorkelling with a tank...
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Diving & Snorkeling Guide to Raja Ampat & NE Indonesia by Tim Rock & Simon Pridmore

Diving & Snorkeling Guide to Raja Ampat & NE Indonesia by Tim Rock & Simon Pridmore Tim Rock and Simon Pridmore should be well known names to the Indonesian diving & travel...
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