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Researching leopards in Raja Ampat: a behind-the-scenes look at the StAR (Stegostoma tigrinum) Augmentation and Recovery) project

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Researching leopards in Raja Ampat: a behind-the-scenes look at the StAR (Stegostoma tigrinum) Augmentation and Recovery) project by Christine Dudgeon, Nesha Ichida, Charlie Heatubun, Catherine...
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Brosur dan Peta KKP Kepulauan Raja Ampat

Brosur dan Peta KKP Kepulauan Raja Ampat by Conservation International/Konservasi Indonesia-berbagai penulis, Brosur-dan-Peta-KKP-Kepulauan-Raja-Ampat-Bahasa-Indonesia-Draft-060320222-Resized.pdf...
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Tourism Brochure and Map of MPAs in Raja Ampat

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Tourism Brochure and Map of MPAs in Raja Ampat by Conservation International and Konservasi Indonesia-various authors, EN_Tourism-Brochure-and-Map-of-MPAs-in-Raja-Ampat.pdf (1.5 MiB) - Maps and...
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Elysium Heart Of The Coral Triangle Expedition Report V Final

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Elysium Heart Of The Coral Triangle Expedition Report V Final by Michael Aw - Project Director, Elysium-Heart-of-The-Coral-Triangle-Expedition-Report-V-Final.pdf (25.9 MiB) - The Elysium Heart of...
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SASI AND ITS RELATION TO THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND MARINE PRESERVATION (CASE STUDY: RAJA AMPAT) by Anugrah Adiastuti, Heri Hartanto, Rahning Utomowati, Adiastuti-et-al-2019-Sasi-Raja-Ampat.pdf...
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Laporan Status: Jejaring Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Bentang Laut Kepala Burung Papua 2019

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Laporan Status: Jejaring Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Bentang Laut Kepala Burung Papua 2019 by Berbagai penulis-Bird's Head Seascape, SOTS_Bahasa_Final_Agustus_2020.pdf (9.2 MiB) -...
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State of Bird’s Head Seascape Marine Protected Area Network 2019

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State of Bird's Head Seascape Marine Protected Area Network 2019 by Various Bird's Head Seascape authors, State-of-Seascape_Final_August_2020.pdf (9.1 MiB) - A comprehensive review of...
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Infografis Selam Kemenpar 210920 Final

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Infografis Selam Kemenpar 210920 Final by Kementerian Pariwisata Republik Indonesia, Infografis-Selam_Kemenpar_210920_Final.pdf (4.0 MiB) - PANDUAN PELAKSANAAN KEBERSIHAN, KESEHATAN, KESELAMATAN,...
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Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environmental Sustainability Guidance for Indonesia’s Dive Industry Handbook

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Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environmental Sustainability Guidance for Indonesia's Dive Industry Handbook by Indonesian Ministry of Tourism , Handbook-Selam_English_260920.pdf (13.8...
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BAF-Monthly Update -MAR-APRIL 2020

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BAF-Monthly Update -MAR-APRIL 2020 by Bird's Head Seascape, BAF-Monthly-Update-to-GC-Members-MAR-APRIL-2020-IN_5May.pdf (1.4 MiB) - Blue Abadi Fund News Bi-monthly update in Bahasa Indonesia...
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