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Changing Demographics Requires a New Approach for BHS Travelers

Anyone who has traveled to Raja in the last few years will notice big changes.  There are a lot more people now and they aren’t just divers; they represent a new travel demographic.  Raja...
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Spending time in Sorong? This new website will be useful!

A long time manager at Raja4Divers Resort on Pulau Pef, has recently created a website for visitors stopping over in Sorong on their way to various BHS destinations.  While managing the resort...
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Misool Eco Foundation April Newsletter

Welcome to Misool Foundation’s Quarterly Newsletter. This quarter:  Misool Foundation is eight! Misool Manta Project: What we learned about Misool’s reef mantas in 2018 Together we...
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“Hooked on Diving”…in Raja Ampat of course! by Norman Vexler

In 1988 Norman took a NAUI dive certification course and from that time on, he’s been totally “hooked on diving!”  After many dive trips to the Caribbean, over a 14 year period, to...
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Tanya Burnett goes to the BHS…again and again by Tanya Burnett

Administrator’s note: Tanya Burnett has been visiting Raja since the “early” years and she just keeps going back again and again.  Why?…keep scrolling! Tanya is a...
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“Juvenile Fish” by Colin Marshall

“Juvenile Fish” by Colin Marshall Article originally appeared in Underwater Photography Magazine Issue # 77 (March/April 2014).  Reprinted here with their kind permission. Colin...
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“Raja Ampat- June/July 2016” A Video by Tim Rock and Dave Hendricks

“Raja Ampat- June/July 2016” A Video by Tim Rock and Dave Hendricks The video of a great scuba diving and adventure trip to Indonesia’s premier destination, Raja Ampat, with...
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“Reminded” by Bret Gilliam

“Reminded” by Bret Gilliam “My recent two-week trip in April to Raja Ampat serves to remind me of the unique and truly remarkable resource that exists in Indonesia’s northeast...
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A Journey to Cenderawasih Bay by Chris Knost

A Journey to Cenderawasih Bay by Chris Knost Recently Christian Knost and his partner Stephanie Koch made a visit aboard the MS Aurora from Nabire to Manowkari in Cenderwasih Bay.  Chris and...
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